中考广州站 > 初一英语试题 > 初一英语UNIT2单元测试题与答案 牛津版

初一英语UNIT2单元测试题与答案 牛津版

2009-12-02  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

  B. 选出所听句子的正确答语。(2遍)   (     ) 6. A. Yes, I like. B. Yes, I do.  C. Yes, I'd love. D. Yes, I'd love to.   (     ) 7.......


  6. W ould you like to go shopping with me?

  7. Sorry, I can't help you with your math.

  8. Let's go to see a movie tonight.

  9. Don't miss the great show.

  10.How much Beijing Duck can you eat?


  My future city in 2046 is a modern city with buildings over 60 floors. Nobody drives on the road. They use flying cars to travel from one place to another. People do not work in an office because computers and robots can do all their work. People can spend their time in the big shopping centre. People can buy very cheap things because robots can make everything cheaply.

  11. When is the future city ?

  12. How many floors does the tallest building have in the future city?

  13. How do people travel from one place to another?

  14. Who makes everything cheaply?

  15. Who needs to pay for the things in the shopping centre?


  1. pollution  2. country/countries  3. theatre  4. underground  5. choose

  6-10:  D C A C B

  11-15:  C B D C A


  1. D  2. A   3. B   4. C  5. C  6. D   7. B   8. C   9. C   10. C阅读短文,回答问题.

  1.When something vibrates or shakes.

  2. By hitting it.

  3. We can hear a lower sound.

  4. 加长

  5. Sounds.


  1.center 2.underground 3.pollution 4.areas 5.buildings

  6.close 7.until 8.choose 9.Western 10.local


  A. 1) order  2) underground  3) theatre   4) cook  5) miss

  B. 1) pollution    2) buildings   3) western    4) sunny    5) cash

  C. 1) it's - its  2) how many - how much  3) town - towns    4) An elephant  5) have-with

  D. 1) get to, by bus   2) why don't, visit    3) how many tins    4) What does, do

  5) how far is

  E. 1) there are, to do; 2) needn't, help with, homework, 3) what else, 4) postcards belong to Daniel

  5) Outside, is


  1. C   2.B    3.C   4. B   5. A    6. C    7.B     8.B     9.C

  10.C    11.B    12.B    13.D     14.C    15.D

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