中考广州站 > 初一英语试题 > 初一英语UNIT6单元测试题与答案


2009-12-01  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

  七年级上册  Unit 6测试题   听力部分:   一.根据录音,补全句子:   1. Does she like _______________? Yes, she does.   2. Do you like apples? No, I don't like _____________.   ......

  七年级上册  Unit 6测试题



  1. Does she like _______________? Yes, she does.

  2. Do you like apples? No, I don't like _____________.

  3. Let's ____________ hamburgers.

  4. She _____________ lots of food every day.

  5. Make a list of food to ______________.


  A: Do you like carrots?    B: Yes, I do . I like all _______________-

  A: How _____________ broccoli? Do you like it?

  B: Yes, I do. It's ____________. Do you like ___________________?

  A: No, I don't like vegetables. Well, only salad. I like salad. But I like __________. I like bananas, oranges …..

  B: How ____________ apples? I don't like apples.

  A: Yes, I like apples. And do you _____________ what I ____________ like?

  B: What ?                            A: Ice cream.



  1.There are some ____________(西红柿)in the basket.

  2.Do you like French _______________(薯条)?

  3.She ___________(有)ice cream for dessert.

  4.________________(健康)food is important.

  5.She ______________(不)play sports.

  6._________ your mother ____________(看)TV every day?

  7.The little girl likes ______________(草莓)a lot.

  8.Lots of children like ____________(踢)football.

  9.Chicken ____________(是)very delicious.

  10.My daughter ____________(去)to school from Monday to Friday.

  11._________your mother _____________(喜欢)carrots?

  12Lucy eats lots of ___________(健康的)food every day.

  13.I have rice and ___________(花椰菜)for lunch.

  14.At 6:00 PM. We have _______________(晚饭).

  15.How ___________(多少)apples do you have?

  16.Liu Xiang is a __________  _____________(跑步明星).


  (  )1.Tom likes eggs ,oranges and bananas _______ breakfast.

  A. in   B. of   C. for   D. on

  (  )2. There are _____ fruits on the table.

  A. lots of   B. lot of  C. a lot  D. lots for

  (  )3. For __ lunch , she has some hamburgers.

  A. a   B. an   C. the   D. /

  (  )4. Bill likes bananas, he likes _____, too.

  A. strawberry    B. strawberries  C. strawberrys    D. strawberres

  (  )5. This is my sister , ______name is lily.

  A. she   B. she is   C. Her   D. her

  ( )6..-Let's have oranges. - ________.

  A.That's sound good             B.That sound good

  C.That's sounds good            D.That sounds good

  (  )7. I ____ a book in my backpack.

  A. there are   B. have   C. there is   D. has

  (  )8. He is _____ student ______Class 4.

  A. the , in   B. a , of  C. a , in  D. an , on

  (  )9. That is ____ room.

  A. Lily and Lucy       B. Lily and Lucy's

  C. Lily's and Lucy's    D. Lily's and Lucy

  (  )10. ---Do you  know the girl in the hat?  ---______.

  A. Yes, I am.  B. Yes , she is.  C. Yes, I know.  D. Yes , I do.

  (  )11.Let's _________.

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