中考广州站 > 初一英语试题 > 初一英语UNIT8单元测试题与答案


2009-12-01  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

  七年级上 Unit 8测试题与答案   class________name__________score____________   一.听录音,完成短文(短文读两遍) (10分)   I'm Tom. I'm  1)___________ years old. My birthday is 2)______......

  七年级上 Unit 8测试题与答案


  一.听录音,完成短文(短文读两遍) (10分)

  I'm Tom. I'm  1)___________ years old. My birthday is 2)___________ 3 rd. I was born in 3)___________. I have a 4)___________. His birthday is 5)_____________ 1 s t. We are in the same school. I like 6)___________ and volleyball. He likes 7)____________ and football. We play 8)_________ every day. Today is 9)______________ 30. We have the school 10)________. It is a great fun.. We love it!

  (  )1.A. fourteen  B.fifteen C.sixteen      (  )2.A.October  B.December C.November

  (  )3.A. 1987  B.1978 C.1988             (  )4.A. brother  B.sister C.cousin

  (  )5.A. May  B.June  C.July            (  )6. basketball  B.volleyball C.football

  (  )7. A.baseball B.volleyball C.football   (  )8.A. sport  B.sports   C.tennis

  (  )9.A. February  B.March  C.April     (  )10.A. trip  B.day  C.festival

  二. 用所给词的正确形式填空 (10分)

  1.Today is her ____________(eight) birthday.

  2. This is ________________(I) mother.

  3. Let's ________________(watch) TV.

  4. That ______________(sound) good.

  5. Do you ______________(like) basketball?

  6. I have a pair of _______________(sock).

  7. Henry _______________(have) a penfriend.

  8. These are my ____________(photo).

  9.September is the _________(nine) month of the year.

  10. There __________(be) a baseball and some books on the desk.

  三. 选择填空(20分)

  (    )1.Your classroom isn't ____.It's big.

  A. long    B. short      C. small      D. large

  (    )2. Can you ____ any birds in the tree?

  A. look    B. look at    C. see       D. have a look

  (    )3. ---- May I ___your watch?  ---- Sure. Here you are.

  A. see     B. watch       C. have a look at

  (    )4. I want to go to England ____ March 2nd.

  A. on       B. at      C. in    D./

  (    )5. --- How old ____your cousin?   ----He is fourteen _____ old.

  A. Is ,year     B. is, years  C. are, years

  (    )6. We sell this sweater ______ $ 10.

  A. in  B. at  C. on  D. for

  (    )7. She buys the ring ______ a very cheap price.

  A. in      B. at      C. on      D. for

  (    )8. --- What's the _____ of the shorts?   ---- ?30.

  A. number   B. color      C. price     D. year

  (    )9. ----Can I use your pen?    ---- Yes. _______

  A. Thank you       B. Who are you ? C. I'm sorry.       D. Here you are.

  (    )10.---Happy birthday to you.    ----_________

  A. same to you.  B. Happy birthday  C. You are welcome.  D. Thank you.

  (    )11.________ shirt is white.

  A.My brother  B.My brothers  C.My brother's D.My brothers'

  (    )12.Where's ________?

  A.Tom's pants B.Tom's pen's  C.Tom's pen  D.pen of Tom

  (    )13.________ is your mother? She's forty.

  A.How old   B.How   C.How age  D.What age

  (    )14.________ is very difficult.

  A.Lesson fifth     B.The lesson fifth C.Fire lesson       D.The fifth lesson

  (    )15.There are ______ months in a year. The ______ month is December.

  A.twelve, twelve            B.twelfth, twelfth

  C.twelve, twelfth           D.twelfth, twelve

  (    )16.Mrs Green is  ________ mother.

  A.Jim and Kate     B.Jim's and Kate's

  C.Jim and Kate's   D.Jim's and Kate

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