中考广州站 > 初一英语试题 > 初一英语UNIT10单元测试题与答案 牛津版

初一英语UNIT10单元测试题与答案 牛津版

2009-12-02  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

  II.选词填空(根据需要改变单词大小写)(7%)   paint,sing,where,table,guitar,join,   volleyball,name,can,what,club   1.Ren Lijuan wants to join a___________.   2.Rick likes ......




  1.Ren Lijuan wants to join a___________.

  2.Rick likes sports.He plays___________.

  3.___________ you play the piano?

  4.Bai Jie can dance and ___________.

  5.___________ club do you want to join?

  6.___________ are your shorts? They are on my bed.

  7.--I want to join the art club.--Oh, can you ___________?

  III.连词组句 (请注意大小写和标点符号)(10%)

  1.play brother can the your drums?→ Can your brother play the drums?

  2.can't he no. →_______________.

  3.you play drums the can? →_______________________?

  4.drums sing the can and yes I play. →____________________________.

  5.to band rock join want do you our? →______________________________?

  6.do I yes. →________________.

  IV. 单项选择(10%)

  1. Can John play the ____ well?

  A. piano       B. basketball     C. chess        D.football

  2. Lucy can't ride a bike.She thinks it is ___________.

  A.hard too    B.too hard   C.to hard      D.hard to

  3. -___________you swim?   -No, I___________.

  A.Can;can  B.Can;don't   C.Do;can't   D.Can;can't

  4. My sister can't ___________ in a river.

  A.skate     B.run       C.swim       D.jump

  5. The girl ___________ blue eyes is Jessie's sister.

  A.in     B.has        C.with       D.have

  6. -Can you play football?  -___________.It's hard.

  A.Yes, I can  B.No, I can't C.No, I can    D.Yes, I can't

  7. Can he play___________ ping-pong?

  A./      B.a         C.an       D.the

  8. My sister can play ___________ guitar, while my friend Jack can play ___________ baseball.

  A.a;the     B.the;a      C./;the       D.the;/

  9. -Can you see a bird ___________ the tree? -No, I can't see___________.

  A.in;any  B.in;a     C.on;some      D.in;some

  10. Can't you see it on the blackboard?

  A. Yes , I can't    B .Yes ,I can    C.No, I can       D. Yes , he can

  V. 改错 (每句话中有一个错,将其找出并改正)(10% , 找出得1分,改对得1分)

  1. Can you get some oranges in the tree?

  A      B         C  D

  2. There are some chicken on the place.

  A  B   C    D

  3. I can see a cat and a bird on the picture.

  A  B      C      D

  4. I have two sisters.One is a worker.Other one is a doctor.

  A        B   C            D

  5. She can plays the piano.

  A  B  C       D

  VI. 看图,完成下列对话(20%,每空0.5分)

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