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初一英语UNIT9单元测试题与答案 牛津版

2009-12-02  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

  Written Test Part   IV. Vocabulary.词汇   A) 根据句首字母补全单词。   1.I don't like comedies, because they are b____________ .   2. Comedies are f __________ .   3.My f__________ ......

  Written Test Part

  IV. Vocabulary.词汇

  A) 根据句首字母补全单词。

  1.I don't like comedies, because they are b____________ .

  2. Comedies are f __________ .

  3.My f__________ movie is Hero.

  4. What k___________ of fruit is that?

  5. We often play soccer on w___________ .

  B) 请用所给单词的适当形式填空。

  6. __________ (do) she want to go to movie?

  7. Marie ______ (like) Beijing Opera very much.

  8. Many ______ (child) like drinking orange.

  9. Rush Hour is a ______ (success) action movie.

  10. The two boys are from __________ (English).

  V. Choose the best answers.选择最佳答案填空。

  11. I like apples, _________I like pears, too.

  A. and      B. But      C. or

  12. Danger Zone is an ________ movie, and it's very ___________

  A. comedy; scary         B. action; exciting         C. cartoon; funny

  13. _____the same reason, I like Chinese comedies.

  A. With     B. For      C. In

  14. What ___________Cindy _________ on Children's Day?

  A. does; doing   B. does; do     C. do; doing

  15. From Beijing, I can learn ______.

  A. a lot.     B. a lot of     C. lots of

  16. I _____ the thrillers is scary.

  A. want     B. like        C. think

  17. Jim likes ______.

  A. documentarys         B. documentaries   C. documentaryes

  18. -Does he want to go to a movie?

  --_______________________ .

  A. Yes, he does.   B. No, he does.    C. Yes, he doesn't.

  19. Li Lei likes thrillers and he ______ likes Beijing Opera.

  A. too        B. also          C. but

  20. He likes movies very much and he wants to be an ______.

  A. actor       B. teacher       C. runner

  VI. Complete the dialogue. 补全对话。

  Donna: Hi, Emma!      21    go to a movie.

  Emma: Hmm. I     22    no idea(主意)

  Donna: Well, It's an   23   --Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon.

  Emma: Oh, I___24_______ don't like action movies. Anyway ( 不管怎样)__25_____.

  Donna: OK. Where's Jim? __26____he want to go to a movie?

  Emma: __27____, I don't know. Look, he is there!

  Donna: Hey, Jim? Do you want to go to a movie? It's Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon!

  Jim:   Movie? That __28____ great! Is it a comedy? I like comedies and ___29_____.

  Donna: No, it's an action movie.

  Jim: Oh, I think it is __30_____. Let's go to see a comedy.

  VII. Fill in the blanks. 根据短文内容,从所给的选项中选择最佳答案补全短文。

  Gina is my favourite actress. I like her__31___ Men from Mars. It's funny. But my __32___don't like her. We often go to movie on __33___. I like to __34___comedies but they like romance. I think they're 35 ___ day-dream(白日梦). But they love them __ 3 6 __ .

  My friend John is a big Tom Hanks fan. He collects(收集) the posters, photos and VCDs __37  him. Now he __ 38 ___ a great collection(集子). He thinks Tom is the best actor in Hollywood. But I don't think so. I love Harison Ford best. My friend, Ann, is 10 __ 39 ___ old. She loves Harrison, too. Her favourite movie is Red Shoes. It's an __ 40 ___ movie.

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