中考广州站 > 初一英语试题 > 初一英语UNIT4单元测试题与答案


2009-12-01  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

初一英语UNIT4单元测试题与答案   笔试部分: 80% (听力部分)   I. 单项选择: 15%   (   )1.Is your photo in the drawer? ________.   A.Yes, I am     B.No,it i......


  笔试部分: 80% (听力部分)

  I. 单项选择: 15%

  (   )1.Is your photo in the drawer? ________.

  A.Yes, I am     B.No,it is     C.Yes,it is    D.No,I'm not

  (   )2.---________ my baseball?   ---It's under the chair.

  A.Where       B.Where's      C.Where're    D.Where are

  (   )3.---________ under the tree?    ---No,they aren't.

  A.Where are    B.What is      C.Are they      D.Is it

  (   )4.I need some things_________ class this afternoon.

  A. in             B. at            C. of           D. for

  (   )5.There ________ a computer on the desk.

  A.are          B.have        C.has          D.is

  (  )6.A notebook and an eraser _________ in the pencil case.

  A. are            B. is            C. am           D. have

  (   )7.I need to take the video tape back _________ the store after school.

  A. for            B. of            C. at          D. to

  (   )8. Look at those ________. They are _______.

  A. photoes; hers    B. photos; his     C. photo; her    D. photoes; mine

  (   )9. --- ______ behind ______?     --- My alarm clock.

  A. What's; the chair             B. Where's; the chair

  C. What are; the chair           D. Where are; a chair

  (   )10. Look. This is ________ clock. It's _______ alarm clock.

  A. a; an           B. an; an          C. an; a          D. a; a

  (  )11. Please ________ this key to your sister. She is at school.

  A. bring            B. brings          C. take           D. to take

  (  )12. Sally. I need my dictionary. Can you ___________?

  A. bring me it       B. take me it        C. bring it to me    D. take it to me

  (  )13. My computer game is ______ the drawer and my books are _______ the sofa.

  A. on; on           B. in; in           C. on; in          D. in; on

  (  )14. Look. This is a picture _____ my bedroom. ________ bedroom is clean.

  A. of; A            B. of; The          C. for; A          D. for; The

  (  )15. __________ my toys. They are new.

  A. Here are          B. Here is          C. This is         D. That is

  II. 完形填空: 10%

  This is a   1   of my bedroom. It's a nice   2   . The door is   3   . And a ball is

  4   it.   5   desk is near the window. You can see a   6   behind the desk. You

  7   books and flowers   8   it. I   9   my English books in my schoolbag. The bag is now behind   10   chair.

  (    )1.A.picture B.book C.map D.family

  (    )2.A.classroom B.room C.toilet D.home

  (    )3.A.there over B.here C.this D.that

  (    )4.A.in B.on C.under  D.behind

  (    )5.A.Me B.I C.My D.Mine

  (    )6.A.window B.door C.clock D.chair

  (    )7.A.see B.can see C.must see D.look at

  (    )8.A.from B.on C.at D.of

  (    )9.A.put B.colour C.find D.put on

  (    )10.A.a B.the C.an D.of

  III. 阅读理解: 20%

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