中考广州站 > 初一英语试题 > 初一英语UNIT10单元测试题与答案


2009-12-01  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

  七年级上册Unit 10 试题   I诊断测试。   .英汉互译   1.in fact__________                   &nb......

  七年级上册Unit 10 试题



  1.in fact__________                       2.a little __________________

  3.summer camp _______________         4. rock band ____________________

  5. talent show________________            6. fill out__________________

  7. movie star________________        8. in a word ________________________

  9. for the reason ______________           10. look at______________________

  11.大量__________________            12. 待在家里_____________________

  13. 京剧______________                    14. 英语晚会_____________

  15. 去看电影


  1. 事实上

  2. 少量的

  3. 夏令营

  4. 摇滚乐队

  5. 才艺展示

  6. 填充

  7. 影星

  8. 简言之

  9. 因为

  10. 看着

  11. a lot of

  12. stay at home

  13. Beijing Ppera

  14. go to a movie

  15.English party


  (    )1.Can you help the kids with computer ?           A. Yes, I do.

  (    )2.What club do you want to join ?                 B. No, I can't.

  (    )3.Do you want to join the chess club?             C. She can swim.

  (    )4.What can she do ?                               D. No, I'm not.

  (    )5.Are you good at playing guitar ?                E. The basketball club.

  Keys:1.B 2.E 3.A 4.C 5.D


  1. Can you help kids with _______ (dance)

  2. They want _____ (join) the basketball club.

  3. Can you ________(sing)?

  4. I think she is _______ (England)

  5. Can you play the guitar ________(best)?

  Keys:1.dancing 2.to join 3.sing 4.English 5.well


  1.________ he want to go to the sports club?

  2.-What kind of ______ do you like?

  -I like comedies.

  3.-_________ you play the guitar ?-Yes, I can.

  4.I can paint. I want to join the __________ club.

  5.-________can you do ? -We can sing and dance.

  Keys:1.Does 2.movies 3. Can 4.art 5.What


  A: Can you paint?

  B: Sorry, (1)____________.

  A: So many clubs here.(2)________?

  B: I'm not sure.

  A: Can you (3)_______ chess?

  B: Yes, but not very well. (4)________?

  A: I can play it well, but I like singing very much. So I want to join (5)_______.

  B: Me, too. I think we can go to the music club together.

  Keys:1.I can't 2.What club do you want to join 3.play 4.What/How about you 5.the music club.


  一、 根据汉语,写出英语句子。

  1. 你是音乐家还是画家?

  _______ you a ______ or a painter?

  2. 我们学校音乐会需要两名歌手。

  We _______ two singers _____ School Concert.

  3. 我们怎么联系你?

  ______   ______ we contact you ?

  4. 请把它填出来。

  Please _____  it  ______.

  5. 我想加入游泳俱乐部。

  I want ______   ______ swimming club.

  Keys:1.Are, musician,2. need, for 3.

  二、 每空填一个单词, 使句子意思完整。

  1. Can she s________ English

  2. I want to j______ the music club.

  3. Can your brother s_______?

  4. Maybe you can be in our school c_______.

  5. We want two good m_______ for our rock band.

  6. May I k______ your name?

  7. What's your f______ name?

  8. My e-mail a_______ is

  9. Here is a card. Please f_______ it out.

  10. Can you p_____ the guitar?


  1. speak 2. join 3. sing 4. concert 5. musicians 6. know 7. family 8. address 9. fill 10. play

  三、 把下列句子标上序号,组成一段对话。

  (    )Yes, I can.

  (    ) Do you want to join the art club?

  (    )What club do you want to join ?

  (    )Can you swim ?

  (    )No, I can't.

  (    )Yes, I do.

  (    )I don't know.


  四、 组词成句

  1. can, dance, you


  2. you, do can , what


  3. to, club, I , music, want, the


  4. to, join, want, what, do, club, they


  5. trumpet, she, the , play, can


  Keys:1.Can you dance?

  2. What can you do ?

  3. I want to join the music club.

  4. What club do they want to join?

  5. Can she play the trumpet?

  五、 单项选择

  1. Can Bill ________?

  A. play guitar B. play the football  C. play the guitar

  2. -What can she do ?

  -She can _______Chinese Kung Fu.

  A. play  B. make  C.do

  3. If(如果) you want to get more information , please talk to Ben _____it.

  A.at B. for  C. in

  4. How can we _____ you ?

  A. A. contact  B. contact with  C. contact to

  5. He wants to learn ______ art.

  A. for   B. about C. at

  6. -Can you swim ?

  -______, I can.

  A. No  B. Not  C. Yes.

  7. _______ club do you want to join ?

  A. When  B. Where C. What

  8. Can she ______ English ?

  A. speak B. say  C. talk

  9. Maybe he can _______ in our team.

  A. be  B. is  C. /

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