中考广州站 > 初一英语试题 > 初一英语UNIT1单元测试题与答案 上海牛津版

初一英语UNIT1单元测试题与答案 上海牛津版

2009-12-02  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

(听力部分略)   二. 单项选择 (15分)   1.  -- Good afternoon! Boys and girls.   -- ________! Miss Wang.   A. Good morning B. Goodbye   C. Good afternoon ......


  二. 单项选择 (15分)

  1.  -- Good afternoon! Boys and girls.

  -- ________! Miss Wang.

  A. Good morning B. Goodbye   C. Good afternoon  D. Good night

  2. -- Are you in the Reading Club?

  -- _______

  A. Yes, you are  B. Yes, I'm   C. I am    D. Yes, I am

  3. She likes _______ with her sister on National Day.

  A. runing  B. runs    C. run    D. to run

  4. My daughter doesn't _______ beef _______ milk.

  A. eats, or   B. eats, and   C. eat, and   D. eat ,or

  5. Millie _______ e-dog, and _______ name is Eddie.

  A. have, its  B. has an, its    C. have an, its  D. has, its

  6. My father with my mother _______ my grandparents' home every Sunday.

  A. go   B. goes    C. is going   D. are going

  7. Sue is from the USA, but she ________ in Beijing now.

  A. was born  B. lives    C. comes    D. visits

  8. Tommy plays _______ for our school football team.

  A. very good  B. very well   C. very nice   D. very happy

  9. Millie likes reading, she often goes to ________.

  A. the classroom B. the teachers' office C. the Reading Club D. the restaurant

  10. That is _______ basketball. I often play ______ basketball very much.

  A. a; the   B. a; /    C. a; a    D. /;/

  11. My ________teacher comes from ________.

  A. English, English     B. England, England

  C. England, English     D. English, England

  12. My mother doesn't know __________.

  A. what to do this morning    B. what does do this morning.

  C. how to do this morning        D. why does do this morning.

  13. Tom often _______ with Daniel a kite. Sometimes Tom's mother and father ______ with him.

  A. flys, play  B. flies, plays  C. flies, plaies  D. flies, play

  14. _________. How do you say that in English?

  A. I'm sorry  B. Excuse me  C. I'm not right  D. This is an excuse

  15. -- Can I _______ your rubber, Peter?

  -- ________, here you are

  A. bring, Of course B. buy, Sure  C. use, Yes  D. get, That's all right

  三. 完型填空 (10分)

  Mrs. White__1__in a school. It is Sunday. She has__2__classes. At eight in the morning, she

  __3__to a shop and buys a nice dress. She puts it in her bag and then buys__4__cakes for her children. At eleven she__5__home. She wants to put on her new dress, but she__6__find her bag. She calls the shop assistant (售货员), "Hello, Mrs. Black. This is Mrs. White. Can you help__7__ find my bag?__8__in your shop."

  "Of course, Mrs. White," says the assistant. "We found three bags here. But which one is__9__?"

  "I'm__10__," says Mrs. White, " I can tell you which one is mine."

  1. A. work       B. works   C. working     D. study

  2. A. not          B. any       C. some         D. no

  3. A. walks       B. go        C. walking     D. walk

  4. A. a piece of   B. a little  C. some         D. much

  5. A. gets to     B. gets       C. get           D. get to

  6. A. can        B. don't      C. can't       D. isn't

  7. A. I             B. my        C. mine          D. me

  8. A. It's        B. Its         C. They're     D. He's

  9. A. you         B. your      C. mine        D. yours

  10. A. go          B. come      C. coming       D. coming

  四. 阅读理解 (10分)


  23 Old Road,                                                           Chesterfield

  Hello !

  My name is Becky Sharp. I'm eleven years old. I have one brother. His name's Jason and he's fourteen. I don't have any sisters.

  We live with grandma in a small house in Chesterfield, in the north(北部) of England. My friends and I often go to the cinema on Saturdays.

  Do you like games? I like football. My favourite team is Manchester United(曼联队). I sometimes play football with my brother. I'm excellent(棒极了) but he isn't very good.

  I have seven pets -- two birds and five goldfishes. I want a dog and a cat, but my mother doesn't like them.

  Please write to me soon.


  (     ) 1. The girl wants to find a ____

  A. sister     B. brother       C. girlfriend        D. penfriend

  (     ) 2. The girl's mother doesn't like ___

  A. birds or goldfishes                 B. birds or dogs

  C. dogs or cats                       D. goldfishes or cats

  (     ) 3. There are __ people in Becky's family.

  A. three       B. four       C. five        D. six

  (     ) 4. The girl's family live in __

  A. a big house                       B. a cinema

  C. the west(西部) of England         D. a small house

  (     ) 5. What does "pet" mean(意思) in Chinese?

  A. 朋友  B. 宠物  C. 玩具  D.同样


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