中考广州站 > 初一英语试题 > 初一英语UNIT10单元测试题与答案


2009-12-01  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

  七年级上册Unit 10 试题   I诊断测试。   .英汉互译   1.in fact__________                   &nb......

  10. Mary can play chess ______ she can't swim.

  A. and  B. but  C. or

  Keys:1.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.A 10.B


  一、 用括号内所词的适当形式填空

  1. I don't know _____ and _____ mother. (he)

  2. There are many ______ in the playhouse. (child)

  3. _______ (not speak) Chinese in class. You can ______ English. (speak)

  4. Do you know that famous _______ ? (music)

  5. We can see two new ______ in the music club. (piano)

  6. The new student is a ______ girl, and she's from _______. (Japan)

  7. Her brother is a good _________. He can help kids with _______. (swim)

  8. She wants to join the art club. She ______ very well. (draw)

  9. The blue pants look like _______. (you) Please put ______ away . (they)

  10. Let's ______ with each other often. (contact)

  Keys: 1.him, his 2.children 3.Don't speak, speak  4.musicians 5.pianos 6.Japanese , Japan 7.swimmer, swimming 8.draws 9.you, them 10.contact

  二、 按括号内要求改写句子

  1. The girl in red can dance well. (改为一般疑问句, 并作否定回答)

  _______ the girl in red _______ well? NO, _____  ______.

  2. It's Sunday today.(就划线部分提问)

  _____   _______ is it today ?

  3. They think they can help us play sports. (改写句子, 句意不变)

  They think they can ______  us ______ sports.

  4. My sister can join the music club. (就划线部分提问)

  ______  ______ your sister ______?

  5. She can see some nice pictures on the wall.(就划线部分提问)

  _____   ______ she _____ on the wall ?

  6. We want two good musicians for our school concert. (就划线部分提问)

  ______   ______ good musicians _____ you ______ for your school concert ?

  Keys:1.Can, dance , she can't 2.What day 3.help , with 4.What can, do 5.What can ,see 6.How many, do want

  三、 中考考点

  1. -Can you play with a yo-yo, Jim ?

  -Yes, I ______ . It's easy.

  A. must  B. can  C. need  D. may(2003年北京市西城区)

  2. -______________________?

  -We are looking for a pair of sports shoes.

  A. What do you do  B. What do you look for

  C. Can I help you D. Do you need help (2003年甘肃省)

  3. -Can you see the blackboard there ?

  -Sorry, ________.

  A. you can  B. we can  C. you can't D. I can't

  4. Look ! Here _______ Jack's father and mother.

  A. be  B. am  C. is   D. are

  5. You ______ go and ask Meimai.

  She _____ know the answer. (2003, 天津)

  A. must, can  B. must, may C. need, may D. can ,may

  Keys: 1.B 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.D

  四、 归纳一下加入俱乐部时,申请者和俱乐部工作人员常用的句子。


  Interviewer                                            Interviewee

  1. Can I help you ?                        Yes. I want to join a club.

  2. What club do you want to join ?   I want to join the music /English club

  3. Can you play the guitar /draw …?   Yes. /NO

  4. What Can you do ?               I can

  5. May I know your name ?          My name is …

  6. How old are you ?                I am…

  7. How can we contact you ?          My telephone number is …

  8. Here is the card. Please fill it out.


  Name: Zhang Jun


  Age: 13

  Telephone number: 8600496

  E-mail address: ZJGX@sina.com

  Grade : One

  What can you do ? I can speak a little English.

  Why do you want to join the club ? I want to learn a lot about America.


  A: Hi, Can I help you ?

  B: Yes, please. I want to join the English club.

  A: Good. May I know your name?

  B: Zhang Jun.

  A: How old are you ?

  B: Thirteen .

  A: What grade are you in ?

  B: I'm in Grade One.

  A: Do you have an e-mail address?

  B: Yes, it is ZJGX@ sina.com.

  A: Can you speak English ?

  五、 归纳作文。 本单元要求学生能够表达自己在某一方面所具备的才能,谈论自己的喜好与意思,会写招聘广告。校学生会将在艺术节期间组织一场学生的文艺表演,欢迎有这方面特长的同学踊跃报名,请你代表学生会的文体部,写一个招聘海报。


  一、 要求写出下列单词的适当形式。

  1.cannot(缩略形式)__________      2.children (单数形式)________

  3.French fry(复数形式)_________   4. are not(缩略形式)_____________ 5.comedy (复数形式)_________      6.two (序数词)______________

  7.10月1日(英语)__________       8.piano(复数) ______________

  9.摇滚乐队(英语)___________       10.swim(现在分词)__________

  1. can't 2.child 3.French fries 4.aren't 5.comedies 6.second 7.October 1st 8.pianos 9.rock band 10.swimming

  二、 选择题

  1.Here ______ a card.

  A. has  B. is  C . are

  2. -_______ can we contact you ?

  -My E-mail address is

  A. How  B. What  C. Who

  3. ______ I have some coffee ?

  A. May  B. Am  C. Do

  4. Please talk ______ Mr Wang ______ more information.

  A. to, for B. in, for C. to  , in

  5. -__________.

  - Yes, I do.

  A. Can you sing this song ?

  B. Do you speak English ?

  C. Are you on duty today ?

  6. What's your favorite _______ ?

  A. swimming  B. volleyball  C. sport

  7. It's late. Let's ______ school .

  A. to go to B. to go  c. go to

  8. -Do you have a pencil ?

  - Yes, I _____

  A. have  B. do  C. can

  9. -Can he play tennis or volleyball?


  A. Yes, he can B. No, he can't C. He can play tennis.

  10. This box is big. ______ it is nice.

  A. and  B. so  C. or

  11. It's too hard(困难).He ______ do it.

  A. can  B. can't  C. doesn't

  12. Can you ______ chess ?

  A. play  B. take  C. go

  13. There ______ a ping-pong ball under the chair.

  A.has  B. is  C.are

  14.I _____ Jim can dance.

  A. want  B. see  C. think

  15.-Is Miss Wang an English teacher ?

  A. Yes, he is  B. Yes, I think so.  C. No, I think she isn't.

  Keys: 1.B 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.B

  三、 所给动词的适当形式填空

  1. Sue and I ______ (be) good friends.

  2. ______  you ______ (know) his father ?

  3. Let's ________(spell) it.

  4. We ______ (not can find ) my eraser.

  5. Look1 Here _______ (be ) Jack's brother and sister.

  6. Linda ______(have) a nice pen.

  7. February 10th _______ (be) his birthday.

  8. Do you want ______( join) us ?

  9. I can ________(play) the guitar .

  10. School Concert ______( need ) help.

  四、 按要求改写句子

  1.I can play the guitar.(变一般疑问句)

  _____   ______ play the guitar ?

  2.I want to join the chess club.(对画线部分提问)

  ______   club ______ you ______ to join ?

  3.He can paint.(对画线部分提问)

  ______  _______  he ________?

  4.Can we take it to the classroom ?(作否定回答)

  _______  , _____  ________.

  5.He is a student. (改成复数句子)

  _______   _______ student.

  6.I think Lily is in her bedroom. (改为否定句)

  I ____    _____ Lily _____ in her bedroom.

  7.I want to take the books to the room.(改为否定句)

  I _____  ______ to take the books to the room.

  8.My sister is sixteen.(对画线部分提问)

  ______   _____ is your sister?

  9.She has a new bag .(改为一般疑问句)

  _____  she ______ a new bag?

  10.These are yellow bananas.(改为同义句)

  These _______  are ______.

  Keys: 1.Can I 2.Which , do want 3. What can do 4.No, you can't 5. They are 6.don't , think , is 7.don't want 8. How old 9. Does have 10. bananas ,yellow

  五、 完形填空


  We are middle school ___1____ . Kate , Mike , Lucy ___2__ I are in ____3__ class. Kate ___4___ eleven . Mike and Lucy ____5__ twelve. I ___6___ thirteen.

  We have a new ____7__ . In it you can ___8___ 40 desks and chairs . A clock and a map are __9___ the wall. The map is a map ___10____ China. On a desk you can see some pens . The red pen is Kate's.

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