中考广州站 > 试题精选 > 英语语法专项练习题:动名词


2009-11-30  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

  1. Please excuse me ______ your letter by mistake.   A. to open                     &nbs......

  1. Please excuse me ______ your letter by mistake.

  A. to open                        B. to have opened

  C. for opening                  D. in opening

  2. Certainly I posted your letter — I remember ______ it.

  A. posting                        B. to post

  C. to be posting                D. have posted

  3. They must be at home — there’s a light ______ in the bedroom.

  A. to shine                       B. to be shining

  C. shining                        D. having shined

  4. If the car won’t start, ______ it.

  A. try push                      B. try pushing

  C. to try pushing              D. to try to push

  5. Mr Smith dislikes ______ such clothes but his wife likes _____ them.

  A. to wear, to wear          B. to wear, wearing

  C. wearing, to wear          D. wearing, wear

  6. _____ is a good form of exercise for both young and old.

  A. Walk                          B. Walking

  C. The walk                    D. To walk

  7. When you’re learning to drive, _____ a good teacher makes a big difference.

  A. have                           B. having

  C. and have                     D. and having]

  8. _____ this report _____ in such a short time was quite a difficult exercise.

  A. Getting, done               B. Get, done

  C. To get, to do                D. Getting, to do

  9. I regret _______what I said. I shouldn’t have said it.

  A. to say                          B. saying

  C. to be saying                  D. said

  10. I shall never forget _______ the Alps for the first time. It was really beautiful.

  A. to see                           B. seeing

  C. saw                              D. being seeing

  11. In the whole interview, he tried to avoid _______ their questions.

  A. to answer                      B. answering

  C. to have answered           D. having answered

  12. He was lucky and narrowly missed _______.

  A. to injure                        B. injuring

  C. to be injured                  D. being injured

  13. I understand _______ to discuss the matter.

  A. your not wanting           B. not your wanting

  C. you not to want             D. you to not want

  14. Don’t be late. No one would like ________.

  A. to be kept waiting          B. being kept waiting

  C. to be kept to wait           D. being kept to wait

  15. He can’t make himself _______. His spoken English really needs ________.

  A. understand, improving    B. understood, improving

  C. understand, to improve   D. understood, to improve


  1—5 CACBC

  6—10 BBABB

  11—15 BDAAB


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