中考广州站 > 试题精选 > 英语语法专项训练题与答案:分词


2009-11-30  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

  1. Anyone ______ bags, boxes, or whatever, was stopped by the police.   A. seen carry                  ......

  1. Anyone ______ bags, boxes, or whatever, was stopped by the police.

  A. seen carry                        B. seen carrying

  C. saw to carry                     D. saw carrying

  2. The plane crashed, _____ all 200 people aboard.

  A. killed                                B. having killed

  C. killing                               D. had killed

  3. We solved the problem by reducing our costs and _____ more money.

  A. borrowed                         B. borrowing

  C. would borrow                   D. had borrowed

  4. I asked the boss for a month’s holiday and, _____ it or not, he agreed.

  A. believe                              B. to believe

  C. believing                           D. believed

  5. The new manager started last week, ______ with him plenty of new ideas.

  A. bringing                            B. brought

  C. to bring                            D. to have brought

  6. Any student ______ will be disqualified from the exam.

  A. catching cheating              B. catching to cheat

  C. caught cheating                 D. caught to cheat

  7. She read the letter through before sending it, _____ for spelling mistakes.

  A. checked                            B. to be checking

  C. checking                           D. having checked

  8. Before you decide to leave your job, ______ the effect it will have on your family.

  A. consider                            B. considering

  C. to consider                        D. considered

  9. If you’re going on a long car journey, ______ sure the vehicle’s in good condition.

  A. making                              B. to make

  C. make                                 D. having made

  10. ______ the road round to the right and you’ll find his house.

  A. Follow                               B. Following

  C. To be following                  D. Having followed

  11. He arrived at the office early, ______ a good example to the others.

  A. set                                     B. to set

  C. to be set                             D. having set

  12. He pushed his way through the crowd, ______ “Excuse me.”

  A. to say                                 B. said

  C. saying                                 D. having saying

  13. The film star walked to his car, ______ a crowd of journalists.

  A. followed by                         B. following by

  C. to follow                             D. to be followed by

  14. “Where is David?” “He is upstairs ______ ready to go out.”

  A. to get                                  B. getting

  C. to be getting                         D. having got

  15. If you go there alone after dark you might be get ______.

  A. attacked and robbed              B. attacking and robbing

  C. to attack and rob                   D. to be attacked and robbed

  16. She gets about quite a lot, ______ for an international company.

  A. working                               B. works

  C. having worked                      D. to be working

  17. _____ him enough time to get home before you telephone.

  A. Give                                     B. To give

  C. Giving                                  D. Given

  18. She didn’t want to _____ a secretary all her life, so she went back to college.

  A. go on being                           B. go on to be

  C. go to be                                D. go being

  19. He was reading his book, completely _____ to the world.

  A. lost                                       B. losing

  C. to lose                                   D. to having lost

  20. Don’t sit there ______ — come and help me!

  A. watch                                    B. watching

  C. to watch                                D. to be watching

  21. I found I could easily make myself ______ by using sign language.

  A. understood                             B. understand

  C. to understand                          D. being understood

  22. Do not leave the building unless ______ to do so.

  A. to instruct                               B. instructed

  C. being instructed                       D. instructing

  23. If you don’t succeed the first time, ______ again.

  A. try                                          B. to try

  C. trying                                      D. to be trying

  24. He’d walked the streets all night ______ somewhere to stay.

  A. looked                                     B. looked for

  C. looking                                    D. looking for

  25. Look at that little boy ______ about — perhaps he’s lost his mother.

  A. wander                                    B. wandering

  C. to be wandering                        D. being wandering


  1—5 BCBAA  6—10 CCACA

  11—15 BCABA  16—20 AAAAB

  21—25 ABADB


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