中考广州站 > 初二英语试题 > 八年级英语(上)期末考试卷与答案九


2010-04-08  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

  八年级英语(上)期末考试卷   一、单项选择:(15分)   1.  - ____ do you usually ____weekends, Victor? - I usually _____ a picnic with friends.   A. How ; do on, have   ......


  Billy was twelve years old, and his sister was three years   41     than him. It was Saturday , and Billy's father   42     him fifty yuan . There   43   a big tree (树)in the Billy's garden, and he climbed up it and   44    in it. He liked sitting there very much.

  Then Billy looked  45   his fifty yuan and said,"I'm going to the market tomorrow on my bike, and I'm buying some seeds (种子) with the   46     . Then I'm putting them under this tree. I'll have a lot of flowers,fruit and plants, and I'm  47    them.  48    of people are coming to my garden every day, and are   49    buying my nice flowers and plants, and in the  50     I'll have a lot of money. Then I'll  51    up and go to college, and I want to be a   52     . Then my sister will come to me and say,'Doctor,Doctor, my right arm is broken, please help me!'And I will go to set (使折骨复位) her arm.

  The sky was blue, and the   53      was very hot. Billy was tired, so he went to sleep in the tree. But then he  54    off the tree and broke(摔断) his       arm. His mother   55    him to the doctor, and the doctor set him.



  56.Ronaldo is one of the most famous football            . (运动员)

  57. She practices         every day to take part in the super-girl match. (sing)

  58. Which animal is the b      ,a dog,a horse or an elephant?

  59. Last month's talent show was a great         . (成功)

  60. You will get good g       if you work hard.

  61. I just finished        my last movie.(make)

  62.They are going to help the         .(tour)

  63.He won the        prize in the long jump. (one)

  64.She made a lot of        during her life. (成就)

  65.I        my little brother last week. (临时照顾)


  66. They were too tired to walk on. (同义句)

  They were ________ tired ________ they _______ walk on.

  67. Tom does well in drawing dogs. (同义句)

  Tom is _______ _______ drawing dogs.

  68.  I paid twenty yuan for the book. (同义句)

  I _______ twenty yuan ________ the book.

  69. I think he'll be a reporter. (否定句)

  I______ think he______ be a reporter.

  70. Lucy did the dishes after supper. (改为一般疑问句)

  Lucy       the dishes after supper?

  71. It's two kilometers from here to the bank. (就划线部分提问)

  is it from here to the bank?

  72. It takes my mother an hour to cook dinner. (就划线部分提问)

  does it take your mother to cook dinner?


  73. How was your vacation?

  74. Could you come to my party?

  75. How long does it take you to make dinner every day?

  76. How many bananas do we need ?

  77. How do you get to school?

  78. Where were you born?

  79. What's today?

  80. What's the matter with you?

  81. Were there any sheep in the field?

  82. When did you visit her house?

  A. Twenty minutes.     B. I was born in Shanghai.    C. It's Tuesday 12th.

  D. Yes, there were.      E. Three.                   F. Yes, I'd love to.

  G. I have a toothache.   H.  Last Sunday.            I.  It was great.

  J. By bike.


  假期你和父母想出去旅游放松一下,下表是你从网上查到的三个旅游城市的一些资料。 请选择一个你最想去的地方, 并综合考虑交通方式,气温以及活动等方面来说明理由。至少60词。

  Your favorite temperature activities Transportation

  Hong Kong 20℃ Go to the beach,go sightseeing and shopping Plane

  Harbin -30℃ Ice and snow festival, go skiing Train

  Nanjing 10℃ Go sightseeing, go boating bus


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