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2010-04-08  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

  八年级英语(上)期末考试卷   一、单项选择:(15分)   1.  - ____ do you usually ____weekends, Victor? - I usually _____ a picnic with friends.   A. How ; do on, have   ......

  Once there lived an old man in a town. He always forgot a lot of things, so his wife had to  16  to him, "Remember this."

  One day he went    17  a trip alone. Before he went out, his wife said, " Now you have all these things. Look after them  18  ." He went to the station, bought a ticket and got on the train   19  it.

  About an hour  20 , the conductor came to the old man and said, "Will you please  21  me your ticket?" the old man 22  his ticket in all his pockets, but he couldn't find it. He was worried, " I can't find my ticket. I really bought a ticket  23  I got on the train." Said the old man.

  "I think you bought a ticket. All right. You don't have to buy  24  one," said the conductor. But the old man still looked worried and said, "You don't know why. If I can't find my ticket, I don't remember my station. 25  am I going?"

  16. A. say     B. says       C. saying       D. talked

  17. A. to        B. on            C./          D. for

  18. A. care     B. careful       C. well         D. good

  19. A. take     B. and       C. with         D. for

  20. A. ago      B. after       C. long          D. later

  21. A. see      B. look at    C. give       D. show

  22. A. found     B. looked     C. looked for      D. looked at

  23. A. before    B. ago         C. after     D. later

  24. A. others    B. the other    C. another   D. the another

  25. A. What       B. When       C. Why        D. Where 三、阅读理解:(30分)


  Wei Ming was born in a small town in Suzhou on September 1984. His fatherwas a doctor and his mother was a teacher. When Wei Ming was in Grade One of Renming Middle School, his family moved to Shenzhen, in Guangdong, because his father found work there. Now Wei Ming's father works in a big TV factory . His mother is no longer a teacher .She works in a factory, too. Wei Ming doesn't enjoy living in Shenzhen . Everything is very dear. His home is far from the school, so he has to get up early and go by bus. Because he is new, he has few friends at school. " Life is no easy," Wei Ming thinks.

  (    )26.Wei Ming's family comes from           .

  A. Guangdong   B. Jiangsu   C. Zhejiang   D. Anhui

  (    )27. Wei Ming's father was a             when he was in Suzhou .

  A. worker    B. doctor   C. farme    D. teacher

  (    )28. Wei Ming's mother is a           now .

  A. worker    B. teacher   C. doctor   D. nurse

  (    )29. Wei Ming doesn't like living in Shenzhen because           .

  A.  everything in the shop is very dear  B.  the school is far from his home

  C.  he has few friends there     D.  A, B and C

  (    )30. Which is not right ?

  A.  Life is hard Shenzhen.  B.  Wei Ming's father is no longer a doctor .

  C.  Wei Ming is very happy in Shenzhen .

  D. Wei Ming is a middle school student .


  Our world is getting smaller and smaller. We can fly around the world in less than 50 hours. The newest plane can fly at 600 miles an hour. You can have breakfast in Tokyo and supper in Paris.

  But hundreds of years ago, it took people a long time to go around the world. Magellan's(麦哲伦) men were the first to make that trip. They went by ship and it took them more than two years. On September 20, 1510,he left Spain(西班牙) with five ships and 240men. He was killed in the Philippines(菲律宾). More than two years later, on December 21, 1512 , only one of the five ships with just 31 men returned to Spain. Magellan's trip taught us that the world was round and that people could go around the world.

  31. People can fly around the world in

  A. just 50 hours                B. less than 50 hours

  C. more than 50 hours           D. more than 40 hours

  32. "You can have breakfast in Tokyo and supper in Paris." means that

  A. people can have breakfast and supper in Tokyo

  B. people can have breakfast and supper in Paris

  C. people can have breakfast and supper both in Tokyo and in Paris

  D. the world is becoming smaller

  33. Magellan's men were the first to make the trip around the world, which took them_______ .

  A. more than two years  B. two years     C. less than two years

  D. three years

  34. Magellan was killed in ____________.

  A. Japan        B. China        C. the Philippines       D. Spain

  35. The trip taught people that the world was ___________.

  A. poor         B. rich         C. strong        D. round


  Lucy could not do her work.She felt too tired. She put down her book, yawned(打哈欠) and felt better. Lucy looked up. Had the teacher seen her? To her surprise, the teacher was yawned, too. He took a long breath(呼吸)and opened his mouth wide. He closed his eyes a bit and let out his breath in a big, slow yawn. Then Lucy heard other yawns. The teacher said:"Lucy yawned because our doors and windows are closed. And the room is warm. Her body needed more air. Maybe she yawned because she was tired. Maybe she was hungry. Or she just needed to move a bit. Do you feel better now,Lucy?"he asked. "Yes,"said Lucy. "Yawns wake us up,"the teacher said,"When you yawn you stretch (伸展)many parts of your body. That stretching makes you feel good."

  There were more yawns. "People do not know why they yawn,"the teacher said. "But if you see a yawn, hear one, or even read about one, you may yawn too. And once your yawn starts, you can't stop it. You may close your mouth to stop it. But the yawn will still come. "The teacher stood up and said,"Let's open the window and let some air in. You may also go out for a drink. A cold drink or water on your face help to stop yawns.Lucy may go first. "How do you feel now after you have read this story? Did you yawn? Watch a friend read this. See if your friend starts to yawn . If you see a yawn, you will know why!

  ( )36. Lucy yawned because          .

  A. the teacher yawned.        B. she put down her book

  C. she felt tired             D. she felt hungry

  ( )37.Sometimes a person yawns because         .

  A.the person feels hungry    B. the person feels angry

  C.the windows are open       D. the room is cold

  ( )38.When you yawn,          .

  A. you stretch parts of your body     B. you close your mouth

  C. you open your eyes wide            D. you put up your hands

  ( )39. You may yawn when           .

  A. someone else yawns               B. you have a cold drink

  C. you look up

  D. you get some freezing air in the room .

  ( )40. Something that helps to stop yawns is         .

  A.watching others yawn          B. hearing your friend yawn

  C.closing your mouth            D. water on the face


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