中考广州站 > 初二英语试题 > 八年级英语(上)期末测试卷与答案十


2010-04-08  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

  八年级英语(上)期末测试卷   I、词汇:(10分)   A.根据句子意思及首字母提示完成单词:   1.Walking is g _____ for your health.   2.Michael is so c _____ that he missed a good chance.  ......




  1.Walking is g _____ for your health.

  2.Michael is so c _____ that he missed a good chance.

  3.Take three pills e_____ time and twice a day.

  4.Li Wei and I are good friends, we get a_______ well with each other.

  5. SARS is a kind of serous d ________.


  6. It will be ________(sun) in Beijing.

  7. Five ________(thousand) people were in the big hall.

  8. Some of the _____(invent) have changed the world.

  9. I think playing basketball is ______(excited).

  10. Do you mind _______(say) sorry to your brother?


  11. - ____ do you usually ____weekends, Victor?

  - I usually _____ a picnic with friends.

  A. How ; do on, have   B. What, does on; has

  C. What, do on; have  D. How ; do; have

  12. He watches TV twice ____ three times a day.

  A. and                 B. or                    C. from               D. to

  13. My sister likes playing the piano ______.

  A. soft                 B. loudly              C. aloud               D. good

  14. Tomorrow ____ Sunday, I ____ the Great Wall with my brother.

  A. will be, climb            B. is, will climbing

  C. will, am climbing        D. is, am going to climb

  15. Mr Green will give us a call _______ a minute.

  A. after                  B. in                           C. until                       D. before

  16. You must ______ to your sister for ____ so impolite.

  A. say sorry, is           B. say sorry, being

  C. to say sorry, be       D. saying sorry, to be

  17. There is going to _______ a party in Lily's house today.

  A. have                  B. has                  C. be                          D. have to

  18. ____ important to learn English well.

  A. That's              B. It's                          C. It has                     D. That has

  19. ____ is good _______ your health.

  A. Walk, to                  B. Walking, to

  C. To walk , with         D. Walking, for

  20. My parents are angry with me. What ______ I do ?

  A. may                  B. do                          C. should                    D. would

  21. The man has three children but he can't afford to send them to go to college. He is _____great ____ of money.

  A. has, need           B. in, need                   C. need, to            D. on, need

  22. There is no time _______ the box now.

  A. Open                  B. opening                   C. opens              D. to open

  23. Don't drink ____ water. There is no washroom on the bus.

  A. too much           B. much too               C. too many         D. many too

  24. Don't forget _____ the door when you leave.

  A. close                 B. closing                           C. to close           D. closed

  25. If it ____ tomorrow, we will have a picnic in the park.

  A. won't rain         B. doesn't rain               C. isn't rain      D. don't rain


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