中考广州站 > 初三英语试题 > 九年级英语期中考试试卷与答案


2009-10-20  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

部分试题浏览,请下载完整版: 听力部分 一、回答问题:7%  (  )1.A She is not better than She was.B.She is very kind.C.she is ill.  (  )2.A.Don’t thank me.B.It&......




 (  )1A She is not better than She wasBShe is very kindCshe is ill

 (  )2ADont thank meBIts a pleasure  CYou are kind to say so

 (  )3AFunny       BConfident        CCurious

 (  )4ARed         BGreen           CYellow

 (  )5AYesI do    BAbout animals     CMany kinds

 (  )6AYesI agree  BWhy not          CReally   

 (  )7AThey dont have enough time to play happily

       BThey have to work hard to get full marks in exams

       CHow to achieve a balance between homework and hobbies

二.听对话.回答问题  9

(  )1What are they talking about ?  

    AThe radio  BThe rain  CThe weather

(  )2M1at time is it now?

    A1010  B1110  C1210

(  )3Does Sandy know how to use the computer?

    AYes she does  BNo she doesntCYes she is

(  )4How did he get to the museum?

    ABy taxi    BBy underground  CBy bus

(  )5What did the boy do With the money?

    AHe helped the old woman with it

    BHe gave all ice cream to the woman

    CHe bought an ice cream with it

(  )6Why did Jack get up early this morning?

    ABecause he was ill this morningBBecause he felt well this morning

    CBecause he wanted to go on a holiday

(  )7How old is Simon?   

    A17    B16    C1 5

(  )8.Ⅵmere are they talking?

AIn the open airBIn a bookshopCOn the way home

(  )9Who worries about everything?   

AAmy    BSimon    CSandy


(  )1What time did Steven leave home yesterday afternoon?

    A230    B620    C320

(  )2Who did he visit?

AHis brother  BHis sister    CHis friend

(  )3What didnt they talk about there?

    AThe weather  BClothes    CTeachers

(  )4Why was he going to New York?

    ATo attend a meetingBTo visit his old friendsCOn business

(  )5What did me woman do before Steven left the hospital?

AWrote a letter to Roger for StevenBMade a phone call to Roger

CSaid thanks to Steven



(  )1Where is Tom ?He          experiment over there

    Ais doing all  Bhas done an  Cwas doing the   Ddid an

(  )2Its clever       Peter to give up        in the river

    Afor swimming  Bof swimming  Cof to swim   Dfor to swim

(  )3Do you have any oranges in the box ?No       is left

    AOne    BNone    CSomething   DNothing

(  )4I have two rooms to       But I cant decide     

    A1irewhich one           B1ive into choose which one

    C1ive inwhich one to choose D1ivewhich one to choose

(  )5I hear the programme will be        

    Acovered alive  Bcovering lively   Ccovering live   Dcovered live

(  )6The elderly       walking       

    APreferred to jog         Bprefer , to jogging

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