中考广州站 > 初二英语试题 > 初二英语上期末考试试卷


2010-04-08  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

  初二英语期末试卷   听力部分(20分)   I. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分。)   (    )1. A. Li Lei works hard at maths.    B. Li......

  (    )31. Ann's mother is Linda White. We call her _________ .

  A. Miss Linda   B. Mrs. Linda   C. Mr. White  D. Mrs. White

  (    )32. Westerners eat ________ and pies on Thanksgiving.

  A. turkeys   B. dumplings   C. noodles  D. chicken

  (    )33. Where did Christmas trees begin?

  A. In Germany    B. In the U.S.   C. the U.K.  D. Australia

  (    )34. ________, _______ and _______ are the main languages used at the United Nations.

  A. English, Spanish, French   B. English, Chinese, French

  C. English, Chinese, Spanish   D. English, Japanese, French

  (    )35. Lucy: You gave us a good talk yesterday.

  Krista: _________ .

  A. Thank you   B. That's OK   C. It's not so good  D. You're right

  四. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)

  Dear Danny,

  I have never had a letter   36   a dinosaur before! Thank you for   37   to me.

  I know that there are no other dinosaurs at your school, but don't be sad. You're very special!   38   likes dinosaurs.

  You're right when you say you can't be a bus driver. You will be very, very big when you are older. There are no buses that would fit you.

  Also, I don't think you   39   work in a bakery. A hundred donuts every day would make you a very fat dinosaur.

  Your letter made me   40  . Are you a funny dinosaur? Are you good at   41   people laugh? Many people work as actors. That would be a very good ambition for a dinosaur.

  Maybe you're going to be an actor when you're older. You could make funny television shows and funny movies. Everyone would know your   42   and your name.

  But I can't predict your   43  . Danny. You need to make your own future. Work hard in school.   44   your teachers, and always do your homework. When you are older, you will know what you want   45  .

  (    )36. A. of    B. from   C. for

  (    )37. A. write   B. wrote   C. writing

  (    )38. A. Everyone  B. You   C. They

  (    )39. A. don't   B. are   C. should

  (    )40. A. laughing  B. laughed  C. laugh

  (    )41. A. making   B. made   C. make

  (    )42. A. eyes   B. head   C. face

  (    )43. A. ambition  B. future   C. age

  (    )44. A. Listens to  B. Listening  C. Listen to

  (    )45. A. to do   B. do   C. to work

  五. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分。)

  A. 观察图片,选择正确表示图片内容的句子。

  A. We're different, but we're still friends.

  B. This is my book report on the body.

  C. The young man enjoys fishing for his hobby.

  D. Hokey is my favourite.

  E. We had a big hug when we met.

  46. _______  47. ______  48. _________  49. ________  50. _________



  I'm interested in foreign languages. I wish to be a translator when I'm older. I hope some day I can work in a foreign company.

  What's "my"ambition? ___________________ .


  Tom's favorite subject is social studies. It's so interesting! Tom learns about different countries of the world.

  If you want to learn about different countries of the world, which subject do you need to learn? _______________________ .


  Greece is a country in Europe. Brian was born there. Nobody else in the school comes from Greece! That makes Brian unique.

  Brian was ________ in Europe. It makes him different from other students.

  54. My friends Jenny, Danny and Krista live in Canada. I have to write in English when I send e-mails to them on the Internet.

  Where do "my friends"come from? ___________ .


  Jenny: What are you doing, Brian?

  Brian: I'm reading a map. We're going to the West Hill tomorrow.

  Jenny: Yes, you need a map when you go to a new place.

  When you go to a new place, what do you need? A _____________ .


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