中考广州站 > 初二英语试题 > 八年级英语上学期期末测试试题与答案四


2010-04-08  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

  八年级英语上学期期末测试   笔试部分   Ⅰ. 单项选择   (    )1. The Greens          in Paris and now they   &nbs......



  Ⅰ. 单项选择

  (    )1. The Greens          in Paris and now they          China. They like China.

  A. used to live; are used to living                 B. are used to living; used to live

  C. use to live; used to live                    D. used living; used to living

  (    )2. We know that go          of the cases of blindness can          .

  A. per cents; cure                             B. percent; cured

  C. per cent; be cured                        D. percent; are cured

  (    )3. Do you have          to say?

  A. something other                            B. other something

  C. anything else                            D. else anything

  (    )4. All the drivers must be careful when they are driving to prevent the traffic accident          .

  A. happen      B. to happen    C. from being happened   D. from happening

  (    )5. Thanks for your          . You're so          to me.

  A. kind, kindly                                B. kindless, kind

  C. kindness, kind                           D. kindful, kindness

  (    )6. Since he joined the swimming team. He has          to swim across the wide river.

  A. able            B. could            C. can             D. been able

  (    )7. UNICEF          clean water, food and education          poor children in many countries.

  A. provide, to        B. provides, for     C. provides, to     D. provides, with

  (    )8. Our teacher told us that pollution          a very serious problem in the world we live.

  A. has be         B. had been       C. is             D. was

  (    )9. Ricky hopes          more charity shows.

  A. to there be                          B. there will have

  C. there is going to be                   D. there will be

  (    )10. Ricky was so excited          he couldn't          words.

  A. that, speak some                       B. because, say

  C. that, say any                       D. and, say some

  (    )11. When I          , I found no one there.

  A. got to          B. arrived         C. reached        D. got

  (    )12. There are two chairs in the room. They are          broken.

  A. either           B. each             C. both           D. all

  (    )13. It is          to catch the 10 : 00 ship.

  A. enough early                         B. too early

  C. much early                        D. early enough

  (    )14. Come home          you can, please.

  A. as soon as        B. as fast as         C. as quickly as      D. as sooner as

  (    )15. The work must          in half an hour.

  A. be finished        B. finish            C. finishes          D. finished

  (    )16. "How far is the station?" "It's only          drive."

  A. two hours        B. two hours'       C. two hour        D. two hour's

  (    )17. A desk is made          wood, and paper is made          wood, too.

  A. from, from        B. of, of           C. of, from        D. from, of

  (    )18. What happens to a person if he loses          of his blood(血)?

  A. three fourth        B. one thirds        C. two third        D. two thirds

  (    )19. Nothing could stop the boy from          to work in shanghai after graduation(毕业).

  A. to                B. to go             C. going           D. went

  (    )20. My pencil-box is better than          .

  A. his and her         B. he and she       C. his and hers      D. him and her

  Ⅱ. 补全对话,从下列方框内选择答案完成对话,其中有两项为多余项。

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