中考广州站 > 初二英语试题 > 初二英语上期末考试试卷


2010-04-08  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

  初二英语期末试卷   听力部分(20分)   I. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分。)   (    )1. A. Li Lei works hard at maths.    B. Li......

  一. 词汇(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)


  (    )1. Jenny is good at painting.

  A. is well in painting   B. do well in painting

  C. does well in paint   D. does well in painting

  (    )2. They stayed here more than two weeks last month.

  A. only   B. just  C. over  D. already

  (    )3. What do you dislike?

  A. not like  B. hate  C. not agree  D. disagree

  (    )4. --- What's the time, please?

  --- It's three forty-five.

  A. a quarter to three    B. a quarter past three

  C. a quarter to four    D. half past three

  (    )5. It's not easy for me to walk to school on such a snowy day.

  A. hardly   B. poor  C. not hard  D. hard


  6. Danny is really ___________(interest)in taking photos.

  7. These sweaters are ________(make)of wool.

  8. His parents enjoyed ___________(sing)foreign songs.

  9. The workers __________(building)a house by the river last year.

  10. I think of _________(me)as a good student.


  There's a new shopping center in my neighbourhood. It has a coffee shop, a grocery store, a bank and a video store. I like to go to the coffee shop with my friends. The coffee shop makes lots of drinks, but I usually have hot chocolate. Hot chocolate costs about $ 3.50. It's much cheaper.

  The shopping center has: 11. ______  12. ______  13. _____ 14. ______ in it.

  My favorite shop is : 15. ___________

  二. 选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)

  (    )16. It's hard for me _________ this sentence _______ English.

  A. to translate, into    B. translate, into

  C. to translate, in    D. translate, in

  (    )17. Uncle Giant _______ a diplomat for five years.

  A. was  B. be  C. to be   D. has been

  (    )18. --- Don't talk in the class, please. --- _________ .

  A. OK, I didn't.    B. Sorry, I won't

  C. Good, I will.   D. Yes, I did.

  (    )19. Grandma _______ lots of beautiful roses in her garden, didn't she?

  A. grow  B. grew  C. grows   D. grown

  (    )20. Our parents always encouraged us _______ English well.

  A. to learn  B. learnt  C. learning  D. to learning

  (    )21. My hobby is __________. I enjoy working in the garden.

  A. collecting stamps  B. gardening  C. singing  D. fishing

  (    )22. --- Li Ming has told me a lot about you.

  --- __________ ? Could you speak more slowly?

  A. Thank you   B. Not at all  C. Pardon   D. Sure

  (    )23. --- Hello, may I speak to Rex? --- ________ .

  A. I'm Rex speaking   B. Sorry, I'm not Rex

  C. This is Rex speaking   D. Hello, I'm Rex

  (    )24. Mike _______ with his Chinese teacher.

  A. enjoy talking  B. enjoys talking  C. enjoy to talk  D. enjoys to talk

  (    )25. He kept ______ and succeeded(成功)in the end.

  A. to try  B. to trying  C. trying  D. tried

  (    )26. I _________ class the day before yesterday.

  A. was late for   B. am late for  C. was late in  D. am late in

  (    )27. ---- A wonderful party. Thank you ______ .

  ---- I'm glad you like it.

  A. for inviting we   B. to invite us   C. to invite we  D. for inviting us

  (    )28. Here is a letter for Danny. Do you know ______ ?

  A. where is he   B. where he is   C. where he does  D. where does he

  (    )29. This film is ______ exciting than that basketball game.

  A. very  B. too  C. many  D. more

  (    )30. There is going to be an English movie ________ this weekend.

  A. in   B. /   C. on   D. at

  三. 语言文化(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)

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