中考广州站 > 初一英语试题 > 初一英语上学期期末考试试卷与答案六


2010-04-08  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

  初一英语上学期期末考试试卷与答案   笔试部分   I、单项选择   1. This is a girl. _________ name is Kate.   A. She  B. Her  C. Its  D. His   2. I can see four _________ on the table......

  1. Li Lei ________ (be) at school.

  2. There _________ (be) some books on the desk.

  3. What's in __________ (Jim) room?

  4. ___________ (come) and meet the family.

  5. Where _________ (be) Lucy's shoes?

  6. Let's _________ (look) at the map on the wall.

  7. Miss Gao is ___________ (they) teacher.

  8. It's time ___________ (go) to bed.

  9. Kate is a new student. She's _________. (America)

  10. Where are your _____________ (box)?


  what colour, what, how, how old, where, who, what class, which, how many, what time

  1. ---________ are you in?

  ---I'm in Class 1.

  2. ---__________ are you?

  ---I'm 13.

  3. ---________ is one and two?

  ---It's three.

  4. ---__________ is the boy?

  ---He's my brother.

  5. ---__________ is Tom?

  ---He's at home.

  6. ---_____________ are you?

  ---I'm fine.

  7. ---__________ is it?

  ---It's red.

  8. ---__________ girl?

  ---The one in the white hat.

  9. ---___________ kites can you see?


  10. ---___________ is it?

  ---It's a quarter to nine.


  no, sorry, number, speak, this, it

  A: Hello! May I _________ to Mr Liu?

  B: Mr Liu? There is ________ Mr Liu here. Who is this, please?

  A: ________ is Jack. Is ________ 62335676?

  B: No. That's a wrong _________.

  A: Oh, _________.

  B: That's OK.

  (dial again重播号)


  C: H________!

  A: Yes. Is that Mr Liu?

  C: Jack. My friend Bill can't f_______ his gloves. Can you h_______ him find it?

  C: Yes. Please c_______ to my room. There are a pair of (一副) gloves here. Maybe (或许) they are h________.

  A: Good. We'll come soon. See y______ later.

  C: Bye-bye.


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