中考广州站 > 初一英语试题 > 初一英语上学期期末考试试卷与答案六


2010-04-08  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

  初一英语上学期期末考试试卷与答案   笔试部分   I、单项选择   1. This is a girl. _________ name is Kate.   A. She  B. Her  C. Its  D. His   2. I can see four _________ on the table......


  My name is Ling Feng. I am a Chinese boy. At school I have a good friend, Mike. He is an English boy. He is twelve, but I am thirteen. We are in No. 5 Middle School. We are in the same grade, but we are in different (不同的) classes. Mike's sister is not a student. She is four. His mother can look after her at home.


  14. Mike is Ling Feng's friend at school.

  15. Ling Feng and Mike have the same age.

  16. The two boys are in the same schools.

  17. Mike's sister is a student, too.

  18. From this passage (从这篇短文中) , we can know the mother's name.


  I have a good friend in my home. It is a bird. Its name is Polly. It's three. It is yellow and very beautiful (美丽). I play with it after school. My classmates-Ann and Kate often(时常) come to see it.

  Polly sings (唱歌) every day. I teach (教)it to sing the "ABC". Now it can sing the "ABC". I like it very much.


  19. Who is my friend?

  A. Polly.  B. Ann.  C. Mike.  D. Kate.

  20. Is Polly a bird?

  A. No, it is.  B. No, it isn't.  C. Yes, it is.  D. Yes, it isn't.

  21. How old is Polly?

  A. One.  B. Five.  C. Three.  D. Four.

  22. Who teaches (教) Polly to sing the "ABC"?

  A. I do.  B. You do.  C. She does.  D. He does.

  23. Where's Polly?

  A. It's a school.          B. It's in my home.

  C. It's in the sky (天空).  D. It's in a tree.


  24. Ann is _______.

  A. Lucy's mother.   B. Sam's grandma

  C. Mike's grandpa   D. Kate's daughter

  25. We call (叫) Ann Brown _______ now.

  A. Mrs Jim  B. Miss Ann  C. miss Brown  D. Mrs Green

  26. Kate is __________.

  A. Sam's mother  B. Lucy's father  C. Mike's sister  D. Mike's brother

  27. There are ______ people is Ann's family.

  A. four  B. six  C. eight  D. two

  28. Sue is ________.

  A. Lucy's aunt  B. Jim's daughter  C. Kate's sister  D. Bill's sister


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