中考广州站 > 初一英语试题 > 初一上学期英语期末考试试题与答案五


2010-04-08  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

初一上学期英语期末考试试题与答案五   II. 单项选择(10分)   1. Please give ______ this letter. It's ______.   A. I; mine       B. him; his   &nbs......


  II. 单项选择(10分)

  1. Please give ______ this letter. It's ______.

  A. I; mine       B. him; his     C. Maria; her    D. you; your

  2. -How do you usually go to school?

  - I usually go to school _________.

  A. on bus      B. on feet        C. by foot        D. on foot

  3. Please _____ at six in the morning.

  A. wake up him   B. wake him up   C. waking up him   D. waking him up

  4. -______ do you go to the shop?

  - Three times a week.

  A. How many   B. How often   C. What time    D. Where

  5. I usually get up ______ ten past six in the morning.

  A. on        B. in          C. at         D. under

  6. - _______ does your sister go to school?

  - By bike.

  A. What         B. How           C. Where           D. Which

  7. My sister often ______ after class.

  A. play the piano                     B. plays the basketball

  C. plays the piano                    D. play basketball

  8. We are in the same _______, but in different __________.

  A. schools, grade    B. school, grade    C. school, grades    D. school, grades

  9. This is _______ room. It's big and nice.

  A. Lucy's and Lily's                   B. Lucy's and Lily

  C. Lucy and Lily's                     D. Lucy and Lily

  10. - I'd like an orange. ________

  - I'd like a banana.

  A. Would you like it?                   B. What about you?

  C. How is a banana?                   D. Here you are.

  11. We can't do it. Can you help ______?

  A. we           B. Her             C. me           D. us

  12. The sweater _____ very nice.

  A. look            B. looks            C. looks like      D. likes

  13. I'd like _____ fish. But I don't like ______ meat.

  A. any, any        B. some, any          C. some, some    D. any, some

  14. - May I go shopping with you, Kate?


  A. No problem                          B. You're welcome

  C. I like it very much                    D. Sure. Here you are

  15. My parents _____ English teachers.

  A. both are          B. is both           C. are both         D. both is

  16.Sometimes Lin Tao______ a bicycle over there.

  A. rides            B. is riding         C. to ride           D. ride

  17. My friends ______ England.

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