中考广州站 > 初一英语试题 > 七年级第一学期期末考试英语试卷与答案三


2010-04-08  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

七年级第一学期期末考试英语试卷与答案三   I.单项选择        10%   (   ) 1.My pen pal ________ Brazil.   A. from      ......


  I.单项选择        10%

  (   ) 1.My pen pal ________ Brazil.

  A. from            B. is from                     C. come from        D. are from

  (   ) 2.There is ______u and _____s in the word us.

  A. an, a             B. an, an                 C. a, an                  D. a, a

  (   ) 3.There are two windows ____ the wall and one picture_____ it.

  A. on, on         B. in, in                   C. in, on                 D. on, in

  (   ) 4.He likes to eat rice, _____ and _______.

  A. chicken, tomatoes                            B. chickens, tomatoes

  C. chicken, tomato                            D. chickens, tomatos

  (   ) 5. She can play ____basketball, but she can't play ______ guitar.

  A./,/                B./,the                  C. a,/                            D. the,/

  (   ) 6.Mum,_____ is my friend, Mike.

  A.he               B.she                    C.this                   D.it

  (   ) 7.______ a black cat and ______ name is Mimi.

  A.It's,its          B.Its,it's                C.It's,it's                     D.Its,its

  (   ) 8. Can you ______English?  Yes, just a little.

  A.say                     B.talk                   C.tell                    D. .speak

  (   ) 9.Most people like _______ a shower in the evening.

  A. takes          B.take                  C.takeing                     D. taking

  (   )10. You speak good English.

  A.No,thanks.    B.Thanks.             C.Yes,right.          D.Don't say it.

  得  分


  II.综合填空,首字母已给出。     10%

  Rick is a tall boy with blond hair. He is sixteen y_______ old. He has a big family. He has two b________ and two sisters. But there is o_________one shower in their home. Do you think it is difficult? No! Let me tell you, they have a shower s________. His brother Bob takes a shower f___________ at 5:00. Then his sister Mary takes a s____________at 6:00. Next Jerry takes a shower a______ten to seven, then Alicia at 7:30.Rick is the last t_________ take a shower? Why? He's the o_______ child in his home. He likes to sleep a little l____________in  the morning..

  得  分


  III.阅读理解    10分

  A. 读短文,选择正确的选项

  My name is Wang Qiang. I live in Beijing. I have a pen pal from the United States. His name is Victor. He is 16 years old. He can speak English and Chinese. He has a sister and a brother. He likes music and dancing, but he doesn't like math. He usually gets up early in the morning. Now, look at the pictures. In the first picture, he is eating dinner with his family. In the second picture, he is playing baseball at school. In the last picture, you can see he is swimming at the pool. He is a good boy, and he has a happy family. Do you want to make friends with him?

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