中考广州站 > 初一英语试题 > 初一英语期末考试试卷与答案二


2010-04-08  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

初一英语期末考试试卷与答案二   第二部分:笔试(95分)   V. 读一读,猜一猜:根据首字母提示完成单词(5分)。   1. Brad can play basketball. He wants to j__________ the basketball club.   2. ......



  V. 读一读,猜一猜:根据首字母提示完成单词(5分)。

  1. Brad can play basketball. He wants to j__________ the basketball club.

  2. F____________ is the second month of a year.

  3. Jack Chen is Mike's f_____________ movie star. Mike likes his movies best.

  4. The runners are very strong. Because they eat a lot of h__________ food.

  5. We want to play tennis after school. But we don't have tennis r____________.

  VI. 看一看,做一做:单项选择(15分)。

  (     )1.  Look at these ___________. Victor has ____________ aunt and two uncles.

  A. photos, a   B. photos, an     C. photos, the

  (     )2.  Can you _____________ jiaozi __________ English?

  A. say,  with     B. speak, in          C. say, in

  (     )3.  Where __________ she ___________ from?

  A. does, come   B. is , come    C. does, comes

  (     )4.  How ____________ did you pay?

  A. much yuan    B. many yuan       C. much yuans

  (     )5.  Her mother is ___________. She ____________ a car now.

  A. a driver, drive B. driver, drives C. a driver, is driving

  (     )6.  Do you want __________ with me?

  A. go shopping   B. to go shop   C. to go shopping

  (     )7.  ---___________?    ---Yes, please.

  A. How are you      B. Can I help you   C. What can you do for me

  (     )8.  Miss White is a good teacher.  She usually _________.

  A. helps me to English    B. help me learn English  C. helps me with my English.

  (     )9.  Maria likes documentaries _______ cartoon, ______ she doesn't like thrillers.

  A. and , and     B. and, but    C. but, but

  (     )10. Do you need shoes______ sports? We have lots of shoes ________ very good prices.

  A. for, at    B. for, with    C. at, with

  (     )11. Katrina often has French _______, tomatoes, chicken__________ dinner.

  A. fry, for      B. fries, for      C. frys, at

  (     )12. Let's ____________ volleyball. That _________ good.

  A. playing, is      B. play, sounds   C. play, is sound

  (     )13.  Peter often _________ my textbook ________ home.

  A. takes, to       B. brings, \        C. takes, \

  (     )14.  The man is David Johnson. Johnson is his ____ name and David is his ______ name.

  A. family, first     B. first, family    C. first, last

  (     )15. Does Mary like documentaries?__________________.

  A. Yes, she doesn't.   B. No, she does.   C. Yes, she does.

  VII. 读一读,对一对:对号入座(10分)。

  (    )1.  Where is her pen pal from?                    A.  At 4.P.m.

  (    )2.  May I have a look at your ticket?                B.  She's swimming.

  (    )3.  When is your birthday?                       C. No, I don't. It's hard for me.

  (    )4.  What's his phone number?                     D. Zhou Runfa

  (    )5.  What color is your box?                       E. It's 243-0876.

  (    )6.  Who's your favorite film star?                  F. Sure. Here it is.

  (    )7.  Can you play the piano?                      G. No, I can't.

  (    )8.  Do you like playing chess?                    H. He's from the UK.

  (    )9.  What time does it close on Sunday?             I. It's blue and yellow.

  (    )10.  What is Lucy doing in the river?               J. December 4th

  VIII. 看一看,找一找:改错题,下列句中均有一处错误,找出来并改正在横线上(5分)。

  1. Her's favorite sport is tennis.                              _____________

  2. Miss Tian singing a new song.                             _____________

  3. My father usually go to work at 7:30.                        _____________

  4. Are this your brother, John?                               _____________

  5. Math is me favorite subject.                               _____________

  IX. 读一读,排一排:给以下句子编号,组成一段意义完整的对话(5分)。

  (    )Why do you like P.E.?

  (  1  ) What's your favorite subject?

  (     ) How many P.E. classes do you have in a week?

  (     ) Do you like him?

  (     ) My favorite subject is P.E.

  (     ) It's exciting and relaxing.

  (     ) I have two in a week.

  (     ) Who's your P.E. Teacher?

  (     ) Mr. Li is.

  (     ) Yes, he's friendly, but he's very strict.

  X. 完形填空。(10分)

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