中考广州站 > 初一英语试题 > 初一英语UNIT7单元测试题与答案


2009-12-01  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

  七年级上 Unit 7测试题与答案   班级________姓名__________得分____________   一、图词配对,一位小朋友被下面的各类服装弄混了,你能帮他辨别一下吗?(共7分)   A    B  ......

  A. tomatoes B. bananas C. hamburgers D. chicken

  31. Come down ____________ Mr Cool's Clothing Store ____________ yourself.

  A. to, for   B. for, to  C. /, for  D. for, by

  32. They have T-shirts _________ green and black for only $13_______ the shop.

  A. at;  at B. in;  in C. with;  with D. at;  in

  33. --- Where ____________ your new pants?

  --- ____________ on the bed.

  A. is, It's      B. are, They're

  C. is, They're     D. are, It's

  34. These shirts ____________ only 5 dollars. Do you want ____________?

  A. are, it   B. is, them  C. are, them  D. is, it

  35. How much ____________ these carrots?

  A. are   B. is    C. do   D. does

  四. 将下列短语译成英语(共12分,每小题2分)

  1. 看一看____________   2. 服装店____________3. 出售____________

  4. 亲自____________5. 以合理的价格___________6. 给你____________

  五. 按要求写出单词(共14分,每小题2分)

  1. sell(反义词)____________  2. long(反义词)____________

  3. white(反义词)____________ 4. tomato(复数)____________

  5. box(复数)____________  6. like(第三人称单数)____________

  7. bring(反义词)____________

  六 . 按要求改写下列各句,每空一词。(共8分,每小题2分)

  1. That bag is black.(改为同义词)

  That _________ a _________ bag.

  2. This is a T-shirt.(改为复数句子)

  _________ are _________.

  3. I like Chinese. (改为否定句)

  I _________ _________ Chinese.

  4. What's the price of the dictionary?(改为同义句)

  _________ _________ is the dictionary?


  Come to Black's Clothing Sale for kids. Girls!   1   socks are only $ 4, The shorts   2   only $ 5.   3   hat is only $ 5.    4   you like this sweater? It   5   only $ 5.   6   boys, red, green and blue T-shirt are only $ 10.


  (    )1. A. This  B. That   C. It   D. These

  (    )2. A. is   B. am   C. are  D. be

  (    )3. A. This  B. There   C. It   D. Those

  (    )4. A. Is   B. Are   C. Does  D. Do

  (    )5. A. is   B. am   C. are  D. be

  (    )6. A. In   B. To   C. For  D. on

  八. 书面表达(20分)



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