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02-08年中考英语语法高频考点 主将从现

2010-05-05  作者:.  来源:.  进入论坛

  主将从现 (21次)   “将”:主句可以用一般将来时、祈使句、情态动词+ do   “现”:从句可以用一般现在、现在完成时(初中不考,高考必考)   “连接词”:if、as soon a......

  主将从现 (21次)

  “将”:主句可以用一般将来时、祈使句、情态动词+ do


  “连接词”:if、as soon as、when(until、unless、before、the moment、the minute)

  1.-- Have you returned the book? --Not yet. Don't worry. I it when I finish it.

  A. return B. returned C. will return D. have returned

  2. ---Don't you know when Mr. Green ______ to our party this evening?

  ---No, but I think he ______ when he is free.

  A. will come; come B. will come; will come

  C. come; comes D. comes; comes


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