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02-08年中考英语语法高频考点 特殊结构

2010-05-05  作者:.  来源:.  进入论坛

  特殊结构 (16次)   1. had better / why not / Let's + 动词原形 (6次)   2. 固定句式:   so...that, not ... until, one ... the other, some... others, be busy + doing sth., it will take /take......

  特殊结构 (16次)

  1. had better / why not / Let's + 动词原形 (6次)

  2. 固定句式:

  so...that, not ... until, one ... the other, some... others, be busy + doing sth., it will take /takes/ took sb. some time to do sth., much too + adj./too much + 不可数名词。(8次)

  1. Beijing has ______ many buses that there is often a traffic jam in rush hours.

  A. so B. very C. too D. much

  2. I didn’t go to bed _______ eleven last night.

  A. for B. until C. in D. on

  3. ---There are two new cars in front of the building.

  ---One is Bill’s, ______ is the manager’s.

  A. other B. another C. others D. the other

  4. ---How about the movie you saw yesterday?

  ---Some people think it’s boring; ______ think it’s exciting.

  A. others B. other C. each D. another

  5. My brother is busy ______ a model plane.

  A. make B. makes C. made D. making

  6. Mr. Li _______ reads books ______ watches TV every evening.

  A. so; that B. too; to C. either; or D. not; at all

  7. How long will it _______ to build the “bird’s nest”--- the National Olympic Stadium?

  A. spend B. pay C. take D. cost

  8. ---What’s wrong with Sam?

  ---He eats ______ food, so he is ______ fat.

  A. much too; too much B. too much; much too

  C. much too; too many D. too much; many too

  3. 倒装句 (So + 助动词/be动词/情态动词 + S) (2次)

  1. ---I will go to Dalian for a visit with my family during the holiday.


  A. So will I. B. So do I. C. So I will. D. So I do.

  2. ---I usually have milk and bread for breakfast.


  A. So have I. B. So do I. C. So did I. D. So am I.


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