中考广州站 > 初一英语试题 > 初一英语下册期中考试试卷与答案三


2010-04-15  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

  笔试部分(100分)   VI. 选择填空 (20分)   1.There is “u” and “s” in the word “bus”   A. an; an B. a; an C. an; a D. a; a   2.There're many _______ on......

  1.Let’s ________ (take) a walk in the park.

  2.Mary wants ________ (buy) a sweater.

  3.Look!The girl (dance)in the classroom.

  4.My sister enjoys (run)every morning.

  5.Where Lucy (come)from?

  Ⅹ 补全对话(5分)

  (at the zoo)

  Ann: Let’s see koala bears first. OK? I like them a lot.

  Ben: OK. Why do you like koala bears?

  Ann: 1

  Ben: Look! They’re in the tree. The big tree is their home. 2

  Ann: Sure. They like to eat leaves.

  Ben: Ann, 3

  Ann: Just go straight and turn left. 4

  Ben: Yes, I like them best. 5 let’s go and see them.

  Ann: I like them, too. Let’s go.

  A: Where are giraffes? B: Because they are friendly and cute.

  C: Do you like giraffes? D: They come from Africa.

  E: Do you know what they like to eat?

  Ⅺ、词汇:根据汉语或首字母提示以及句意填单词( 10分)

  1. How many _________________(图书馆) are there in your city?

  2. My mother works with people and money, so she works in a b .

  3. She is a clever and ,(美丽的) girl,we all like her。

  4. The elephant from Africa is pretty big, but very f______________ to people.

  5. The students are r books in the library.

  6. Let’s start from the b .

  7. To be a policeman is the most d___________________ job.

  8. The weather today is pretty ___________________(雨天的).

  9. Please write and tell me about y .

  10. It’s cold in winter and hot in s in Beijing.




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