中考广州站 > 初一英语试题 > 初一英语上册期中考试试题与答案一


2010-04-08  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

  II. 语言知识(共15小题,每题1分,满分为15分)。   请你从A、B、C三个选项中选出能够填入空白处的最恰当的选项,然后把代表该答案的字母写在方框内。   21. -___________________?   -How do you do?......

  41. Mrs. Sato is sad because ____________.   (    )

  A. her husband died

  B. her daughter lives far away

  C. no families come for her birthday

  42. he makes a telephone call to ____________.  (    )

  A. her daughter   B. her son   C. a company

  43. That evening, ____________ have the birthday party with Mrs. Sato.   (    )

  A. her daughter's family

  B. some people near her house

  C. some people from the company

  44. Those people stay in her home for _____________.    (    )

  A. three hours    B. a night    C. a day

  45. What's the word"rent"in Chinese? It's _______________.  (    )

  A. 买     B. 租    C. 借


  This is Kate Turner, a young American girl from New York, and that is her dog Nap. He's a very good dog and likes cake.

  Now Kate lives with her parents in London. She has a small family, I think. Kate is 11 years old. She's in Class 1A at Paddington School, in London.

  Who is this boy? He is one of Kate's friends, Dave Green, with his mouse called Mickey. He lives with his grandparents, two uncles and their wives. His two uncles have four sons and three daughters. Dave's parents work in China now. He has a big family, I think. He's the same age as Kate. He's in Class 3 at London School.

  Li Qi and Li Lin are Twins. They're Chinese. They live in London with their parents now. They speak Chinese. They can't speak English very well. Li Qi is new at Paddington School. He is in Kate's class, and Li Lin is with Dave.

  The twins are ten years old. They like small animals very much. That's their favorite bird- Parrot. She can speak Chinese like the twins.


  46. NAME Kate Turner CLASS _________ SCHOOL ________ AGE ________ NATIONALITY ______ ABOUT MY FAMILY:

  THE NUMBER OF MY FAMILY MEMBERS _______ THE MEMBER OF MY FAMILY ________ ________ ___________.

  47. NAME Dave Green CLASS ______ SCHOOL __________ AGE _________ NATIONALITY ________ ABOUT MY FAMILY:


  48. NAME _________ CLASS __________ SCHOOL _____________________ AGE _______ NATIONALITY ____________ ABOUT MY FAMILY:


  THE MEMBER OF MY FAMILY _________ _________ _________ ____________.

  49. NAME __________ CLASS __________ SCHOOL ___________ AGE __________ NATIONALITY __________ ABOUT MY FAMILY:



  Nationality:Where are you from?

  The number of:How many people are there in your family?

  The member of:Who are they?

  III. 日常交谈(共11小题,每题1分,满分为11分。)

  A. 请把右面的句子重新排序,使对话完整。将代表答案的字母填写在横线上。

  50. __________     A. The one in the white shirt.

  51. __________    B. Is he a teacher?

  52. __________    C. Which man?

  53. __________    D. Yes. He teaches English.

  54. __________    E. Excuse me, Jim. Who is that man?

  55. __________    F. Oh, that's my father

  B. 请把下面的句子填在下面对话中的适当位置,使对话完整。将代表答案的字母填写在方框内。注意有两块积木是多余的。

  A. Is that my sweater?

  B. Here's a grey one.

  C. What color is your sweater?

  D. Is that yours?

  E. Is your sweater grey?

  F. You must look after your clothes, I think.

  G. How about that grey one up there on the wall?

  Jack=J  Kate=K

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