中考广州站 > 口试试题 > 广州中考英语口试题:介绍影片


2009-11-26  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

  介绍影片:   用6句以上的句子介绍下面这部影片:   片名: 《兄弟》   上演时间: 9月28日晚上7:30   地点: 天河电影院   影片简介: 一对双胞胎兄弟一出生就被送到两个不同的家庭抚养。多年......



  片名: 《兄弟》

  上演时间: 9月28日晚上7:30

  地点: 天河电影院

  影片简介: 一对双胞胎兄弟一出生就被送到两个不同的家庭抚养。多年后,在他们20岁时才第一次见面。他们之间会发生什么事呢?


  In Tianhe Cinema, the film Brothers will be put on at 7:30 p.m. on 28th of September. The film is about two twin brothers. They were sent to two different families as soon as they were born. Only many years later, when were 20, they met each other for the first time. What will happen between them? If you are interested, you’d better not miss it. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.


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