中考广州站 > 口试试题 > 广州中考英语口试历届试题(第二套)


2009-11-24  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

  广州中考英语口试历界试题(第二套)   一、 用正确的语音语调朗读下面短文。(5分)   How do you give messages to other people? You speak, or you write, of course. But you give messages with you......


  一、 用正确的语音语调朗读下面短文。(5分)

  How do you give messages to other people? You speak, or you write, of course. But you give messages with your body, too. People know when you are happy. Both your mouth and your eyes tell them that. They can see the smile on your face. What happens to your mouth when you are sad?

  Everybody uses their hands to say different things. When you say“Hello!”to somebody, you often put your hand in the air, too. When you say“Goodbye!”, you put your arm up and move your hand a few times from side to side. You can say“Come here”with your hands. Which part of your body do you use to say “Yes”and “No”? How do you move it?

  二、 根据实际情况回答下列问题。(5分)

  1. How are you feeling today?

  2. What do you want to be when you grow up?

  3. How long have you studied English?

  4. How many players are there in a team in a football match?

  5. How often do you write an English composition?

  三、 根据要点,用六个以上的英语句子作简短说话。(注意不要逐句翻译内容要点)(5分)



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