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来源:网络    作者:匿名    2010-04-22 11:46:11


  • 点击下载:广雅实验学校2008-2009学年度第二学期期中质量检测英语试题




      一、 听力(共两节,10分)



      听下面一段对话,回答第1-2 两个小题。

      1. How many things do they talk about?

      A. One B. Two C. Three

      2. How can the girl get a Monster Lizard poster?

      A. The boy will give his to the girl. B. The girl will buy a poster by herself

      C. The boy will ask his brother for a poster for the girl.

      听下面一段对话,回答第3-5 三个小题。

      3. What does the girl think of Tom?

      A. She doesn’t think he studies well. B. She doesn’t think he will be the monitor.

      C. She thinks he is very helpful and studies well.

      4. Who was the monitor last term?

      A. Tom. B. Alice. C. Bill.

      5. When will they get the answer?

      A. Next Thursday. B. Next Friday. C. This Friday.

      听下面一段对话,回答第6-8 三个小题。

      6. Who like(s) the English teacher?

      A. Both of them. B. The boy. C. The girl.

      7. If they fail to do maths exercises, what will the maths teacher do?

      A. Smile. B. Be sad. C. Shout

      8. What do they think of the maths teacher?

      A. The girl hasn’t learned anything from him.

      B. The boy doesn’t like him.

      C. Both think he gives clear explanations in class.

      听下面一段对话,回答第9-11 三个小题。

      9. Why did people like radios in the old days?

      A. Because there were few radios then. B. Because they were very poor then.

      C. Because there were no TV sets but only radios then.

      10. What do some people only do when they are driving or working at home?

      A. Listen to the radio. B. Listen to the CDs. C. Sing.

      11. Where is the radio usually played all day long?

      A. In schools. B. In parks. C. In stores.


      12. Whose school has more beautiful uniforms?

      A. The boy’s. B. The girl’s. C. We don’t know.

      13. What can students do in the boy’s school?

      A. Wear their own clothes. B. Keep long hair.

      C. Eat in the classroom.

      14. Why do the students in the girl’s school like to wear their own clothes?

      A. Because their uniforms are ugly. B. Because they don’t like to look the same.

      C. Because their uniforms are too short.

      15. In which school can girls have long hair?

      A. The girl’s. B. The boy’s. C. We don’t know.


      听下面一段独白。请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息, 填入下面 的空格中。独白读两遍。

      Where are they going?To (A)____________

      How long are they going to stay there?For (B) ____________ weeks.

      What shirts will they wear?(C) ____________ shirts.

      What’s the school office telephone number?(D)_____________.

      Where does Mrs. Belcher work?She works at Leech School (E) ___________.


      二、 语言知识与运用(共两节,25分)


      16. ________ May 27th, 2008, millions of people watched the Beijing Olympic Torch Relay in Nanjing.

      A. On B. At C. In D. For

      17. People are equal _________ each other, we should show respect _________ each other.

      A. with, for B. to, to C. to, for D. with, to

      18. My mother asked me _________ the following week.

      A. that I return to Sichuan B. if I return to Sichuan

      C. that I would return to Sichuan D. if I would return to Sichuan

      19. Cartoons are easy enough ________ small children ________.

      A. for, to understand B. to, to understand

      C. for, understanding D. to, understanding

      20. ________ Liu Mei said she wasn’t afraid, _______ her voice was shaking.

      A. Although, but B. Because, /

      C. Though, / D. Because so

      21. I ________ to Shanghai before and I _______ there in 2008.

      A. have been, have been B. have gone, went

      C. have been, went D. have gone, have been

      22. Jim has a gift for ___________ the piano and he keeps __________ it every day.

      A. playing, to practise B. playing, practising

      C. play, to practise D. play, practising

      23. Li Ming __________ the floor when the teacher _________ in.

      A. was cleaning, was coming B. was cleaning, came

      C. cleaned, was coming D. cleaned, came

      24. Joan is just as ________ as Mary.

      A. careful B. carefully C. more careful D. more carefully

      25. WALL-E is __________.

      A. such interesting film B. so interesting film

      C. so an interesting film D. such an interesting film

      26. I like this ____________ song very much.

      A. French old lovely B. lovely French old

      C. lovely old French D. old lovely French

      27. There were too many choices. I didn’t know ___________.

      A. which one to buy B. to buy which one

      C. which one should I buy D. which one I will buy

      28. We always communicate with each other ________ e-mails.

      A. with write B. with writing C. by write D. by writing

      29. If he ___________, I ____________ with him tomorrow.

      A. agree, will come B. agrees, will come

      C. will agree, come D. will agree, comes

      30. -- What did your teacher say to you?

      -- She asked me ___________________.

      A. why I failed the test B. why did I fail the test

      C. why do I fail the test D. why I fail the test

      第二节 语法选择(共10题,10分,每题1分)


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