中考广州站 > 初一英语试题 > 初一英语上学期期末试题


2010-04-08  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

  初一英语上学期期末试题   I、单项选择   1. This is a girl. _________ name is Kate.   A. She  B. Her  C. Its  D. His   2. I can see four _________ on the table.   A. cake  B. a ca......

  what colour, what, how, how old, where, who, what class, which, how many, what time

  1. ---________ are you in?

  ---I'm in Class 1.

  2. ---__________ are you?

  ---I'm 13.

  3. ---________ is one and two?

  ---It's three.

  4. ---__________ is the boy?

  ---He's my brother.

  5. ---__________ is Tom?

  ---He's at home.

  6. ---_____________ are you?

  ---I'm fine.

  7. ---__________ is it?

  ---It's red.

  8. ---__________ girl?

  ---The one in the white hat.

  9. ---___________ kites can you see?


  10. ---___________ is it?

  ---It's a quarter to nine.


  no, sorry, number, speak, this, it

  A: Hello! May I _________ to Mr Liu?

  B: Mr Liu? There is ________ Mr Liu here. Who is this, please?

  A: ________ is Jack. Is ________ 62335676?

  B: No. That's a wrong _________.

  A: Oh, _________.

  B: That's OK.

  (dial again重播号)


  C: H________!

  A: Yes. Is that Mr Liu?

  C: Jack. My friend Bill can't f_______ his gloves. Can you h_______ him find it?

  C: Yes. Please c_______ to my room. There are a pair of (一副) gloves here. Maybe (或许) they are h________.

  A: Good. We'll come soon. See y______ later.

  C: Bye-bye.



  1.B 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.D 10.A

  11.D 12.C 13.D 14.T 15.F 16.T 17.F 18.F 19.A 20.C

  21.C 22.A 23.B 24.B 25.D 26.C 27.C 28.A


  IV、1. is 2. are 3. Jim's 4. Come 5. are 6. look 7. their 8. to go 9. American 10. boxes

  V. 1. What class 2. How old 3. What 4. Who 5. Where 6. How 7. What colour 8. Which 9. How many 10. What time

  VI. 1. speak 2. no 3. This 4. it 5. number 6. sorry 7. Hello 8. find 9. help 10. come 11. his 12. you

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