中考广州站 > 初一英语试题 > 初一上学期英语期末考试试题与答案五


2010-04-08  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

初一上学期英语期末考试试题与答案五   II. 单项选择(10分)   1. Please give ______ this letter. It's ______.   A. I; mine       B. him; his   &nbs......

  1. Can she ____________(sing) the English songs.

  2. How about             (go) there with you?

  3. It's time              (go) to bed.

  4. Let's go and              ( play) basketball.

  5. Breakfast ______ (be) ready. Let's go.

  6. Jim usually ______ (take) the subway home.

  7. Why not _____ (buy) this coat?

  8. I want _____ (visit) my Chinese teacher tomorrow.

  9. He _________( not do ) his homework at school.

  10. _________ she _________( have ) lunch at home?

  VI. 同义句型转换。(5分)

  1. Do you have time this afternoon?

  ______ you ______ this afternoon?

  2. What's your favorite animal?

  What animal do you ______ ______ ?

  3. What's up with you?

  What's _______ _______ you?

  4. Can I help you?

  _______ can I do _______ you?

  5. It's eight forty-five.

  It's a ______ ______ nine.


  1. - ______ is your uncle from?

  - He's from China.

  2. - ______ does she say in her letter?

  -She wants to come to see me.

  3. - ________ does your aunt live?

  - In Jilin.

  4. - ________ does your father do?

  - He is a teacher.

  5. - ________ is the man in the photo?

  - It's my brother.

  6. - _____ is the meat?

  - 6 yuan a kilo.

  7. - ______ animals do you like best?

  - A panda.

  8. - _______ doesn't he come today?

  - Because he is ill.

  9. - ______ one?

  -The one with black hair and black eyes.

  10. - ______ not have some coffee?

  - Good idea.(5分)


  Sam lives ___1___ New York. His father has a shop there and his mother is a doctor. He is seven years old and begins to go to ____2___ this autumn. It's a little far(远) from their shop, so his father drives a car to take him to school every day. He's never(从不) late for class and his teachers ___3___ him. It's Monday today. Miss Green is teaching them to count(数) from one to ten. Sam is studying hard. Soon he ___4___ count them. Miss Green is happy and asks, "How many people are there in your family? Sam?"

  Sam stands up and answers, "Two, Miss Green."

  "Who are they?"

  "My father and mother."

  "Oh?" Miss Green is surprised(吃惊). She says, "There are ___5____ people in your family."

  "But now I'm not at home. I'm at school, you know."

  IX. 完型填空(10分)

  Jim is an eight-year-old boy. He is a good boy. He does __1____ in all his lessons. He ___2___ school and he is always active(积极) in class. Every time the teacher asks a question, Jim always ___3___ his hand quickly. Sometimes his answer is ___4___, but the teacher always smiles (微笑) and says, "Good, Jim. But __ 5__ a better answer to my question?"

  One day, the teacher asks the boys and girls a question. "Swallows(燕子) fly to the south before winter ___6___,"he says. "But why don't cats and dogs do ___7___?"

  Fox lifts (举) his ___8___ as usual(像平常一样).

  "Yes, Fox?" says the teacher ___9___.

  Fox stands (站) up and says, "___10___ they have no wings (翅膀)."

  1. A. good       B. happy         C. well           D. bad

  2. A. loves       B. likes a        C. goes to a       D. enjoys

  3. A. gets up     B. puts on        C. gets on        D. puts up

  4. A. right       B. wrong        C. easy           D. hard

  5. A. has        B. is there       C. are there        D. have

  6. A. will come   B. is coming     C. comes          D. is going to come

  7. A. different    B. these         C. the same        D. with

  8. A. hand       B. head         C. foot            D. eye

  9. A. happy      B. glad          C. happily         D. angrily

  10. A. Why      B. Because       C. How          D. Where

  X. 阅读理解(15分)

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