中考广州站 > 完形填空 > 2010中考完形填空与答案解析十二


2009-12-04  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

  We were going to play a team from a country school They didn't come until the game time arrived They looked  ____ 1 ____  than we had thought They were wearing dirty blue jeans (仔裤......

  We were going to play a team from a country school They didn't come until the game time arrived They looked  ____ 1 ____  than we had thought They were wearing dirty blue jeans (仔裤) and looked like farm boys We even thought that they had never seen a basketball beforeWe all sat down We felt that we didn't  ____ 2 ____  any practice (训练) against a team like thatIt was already so late that no  ____ 3 ____  could be given to them for a warmupThe game beganOne of our boys  ____ 4 ____  the ball and he shot (掷) a long pass to our forward (前锋) From out of nowhere a boy in a dirty Tshirt ____ 5____  the pass and with a beautiful form (姿势) he shot and got two points (分)They  ____ 6 ____  usThen they got another  ____ 7____  of points in a minuteSoon it was all over The country team  ____ 8____  usWe certainly learned that even though a team is good, there is usually another  ____ 9 ____  a little better But the important lesson learned was: One can't tell a man, or a team, by the  ____10 ____ 

  1 A stronger B younger C worse D less

  2 A get B try C use D need

  3 A basket B space C ball D time

  4 A got B played C missed D carried

  5 A caught B changed C started D stopped

  6 A surprised B kept C broke D hit

  7 A half B pair C group D double

  8 A won B saved C beat D joined

  9 A just B already C about D almost

  10 A Tshirts B clothes C places D points

  [答案] 1 C 2 D 3 D 4 A 5 D

  6 A 7 B 8 C 9 A 10 B

  [析] 在1题中可以看出stronger, younger worse, less 四个选项全可以选,语法是正确的。从文章开始到这里并看不出其原因为什么要选择C,这时只能将其选择空出往后面看,所以提醒考生要注意的是千万不要一一对完形填空作出选择,有很多情况 是后面的情景决定了前面的选择。当看到 We even thought that they had never seen a basketball before 和 We felt that we didn't need (2) any practice against a team like that 则就肯定会得到第一个空的选项决不是比我们强壮,也不可能是少,更不可能是年轻、而是球技不佳,比我们差得很远。而5题是要仔细考虑才能得到正确的结论。这四个动词都可以用在篮球运动中,但要注意的是,其后面的名词是pass,在这里应译为"长传"。而这个长传这里决不是开始,而是被截住了。所以这里应用stopped。 即"拦截了一个长传。"而 caught 的宾语应换为ball球就对了。B 选项为"改变",用于这里就不合题意了。而7项虽然很多人都知道篮球规则,投一球按两分计算,但这里应选哪个词则拿不准了,主要在B选项与D选项之间发生了问题。不知double的真实意义是"加倍,翻一翻"之意,还是"一对,一双,两倍"之意。其困难点还有9项,它的选择应为 just,这是由全文所决定的。它的意思是不论一个队多么好,总会有一个队会比你强出一点儿,哪怕是仅仅一点点。这也就是完形填空不易拿满分之处。这里要提醒大家的是:语言是十分灵活的,要经常不断地学习思考才会有所进步。


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