中考广州站 > 广州中考 > 【分类汇总】2010中考英语必备的100组同义词


2009-12-02  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

  1. 一……就……   as soon as   the moment,   the minute,   immediately,   the instant,   instantly   2. 尽可能   as … as possible   as&hel......

  21. 两“弥补”

  make up for

  compensate for

  22. 五个“在…看来”

  in one’s opinion,

  to one’s mind

  in one’s view

  in one’s eye

  according to sb.

  23. 三“丢”

  be lost

  be missing

  be gone

  24. 八“著名”

  be famous for sth.

  be famous to sb.

  be famous as + 职位

  be famous to sb. as+ 职位

  be known for sth.

  be known to sb.

  be known as+ 职位

  be known to sb. as+ 职位

  25. 四“满意”

  be satisfied with

  be pleased with

  be happy with

  be delighted with

  26. 四“为……而高兴”

  be pleased for sb

  be happy for sb.

  be glad for sb.

  be delighted for sth.

  27. 两“祝贺”

  congratulate sb. on sth.

  congratulations to sb. on sth.

  28. 两“道歉”

  apologize to sb. for sth.

  make an apology to sb. for sth.

  29. 三“玩得高兴”

  have a good time

  have fun (doing sth.)

  enjoy oneself

  30. 九“决定”

  decide to do sth.

  make a decision to do sth.

  determine to do sth.

  be determined to do sth.

  make a determination to do sth

  resolve to do sth.

  make a resolution to do sth.

  make up one’s mind to do sth.

  set one’s mind to do sth.

  31. 四“使役”

  make sb. do sth.

  let sb. do sth.

  have sb. do sth.

  get sb. to do sth.

  set sb. to do sth.

  32. to表示 “的”

  the key to the door

  the key/answer to the question

  the solution to a problem

  the way to sp.

  the entrance to sp.

  be on a visit to sp.

  pay a visit to sp.

  a trip to sp.

  a ticket to sp. (a ticket for + 比赛名称)

  33. 四“花了”

  pay some money for sth.

  spend some money on sth.

  buy sth. for some money.

  cost sb. some money

  34. “怎么样”怎么样表达?

  What do you think of sth.?

  How do you like sth.?

  What’s your view on sth.?

  How do you feel sth.?

  What’s your opinion about sth?

  35. 对……的态度:

  be kind to sb.

  be nice to sb.

  be friendly to sb.

  be amiable to sb.

  be polite to sb.

  be respectful to sb.

  be impolite to sb.

  be rude to sb.

  be mean to sb.

  be patient with sb.

  be impatient with sb.

  be angry with sb. at sth.

  be mad with sth.

  be strict with sb. in sth.

  36. 疑问词+动词不定式

  what to do

  how to do sth.

  where to do sth.

  when to do sth.

  whether to do sth.

  37. 两“刚……就……”


  no sooner… than…

  be about to do sth. when…

  38. like句型汇总

  like sth./sb.

  like doing sth

  like to do sth.

  would like to do sth.

  would like sth.

  feel like doing sth.

  feel like sth.

  look like…

  what’s … like…

  39. need句型汇总

  need sth/sb.

  need to do sth.

  need sb. to do sth.

  need doing sth. =

  need to be done

  needn’t do sth.

  Need…do sth.?

  (need 作情态动词时常用于否与疑)

  in need of = in want of

  in great need of

  meet the needs of

  40. 三“到达”

  get to sp.

  arrive in/at sp.

  reach sp.

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