中考广州站 > 阅读理解 > 2010中考英语阅读理解练习题与答案三


2009-11-29  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

  Mrs Black lives in a small village. Her husband is dead. Her son, Jack, lived with her. He worked in a shop in the village, but then he found a job in town named Greensea. He went to live there. M......

  Mrs Black lives in a small village. Her husband is dead. Her son, Jack, lived with her. He worked in a shop in the village, but then he found a job in town named Greensea. He went to live there. Mrs Black was very angry. She got on a train and went to see her son. Then she said to him, "Jack, why do you never telephone me?"

  Jack laughed, "But, mother, you haven't got a telephone. ""No. "she answered, "I haven't, but you have got one. "

  1. The old Black ______.

  A. is dead       B. lives with his wife

  C. went to a small village            D. worked in a shop

  2. Jack lived with his mother______he worked in the village.

  A. before        B. when              C. after     D. so

  3. Greensea is _________.

  A. a big city    B. a small village    C. a town    D. a man's name

  4. Jack didn't phone his mother because ______.

  A. he had no phone                     B. he was very busy

  C. his mother had no phone             D. he went home every day

  5. Jack's mother was very angry because ______.

  A. Jack didn't want to ring her up

  B. Jack had a telephone but she hadn't

  C. she didn't know how to make a telephone

  D. she didn't know she couldn't be called

  KEY: 1. A   2. B   3. C   4. C   5. D


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