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来源:网络    作者:匿名    2009-09-03 14:39:05


  • 在下列各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    16. ---Hello. May I speak to Mrs White?

       ---Sorry. She is out right now. Can I ______ a message?

       A. carry    B. take    C. leave   D. give

    17. If you don’t _______me by two o’clock today, it means I won’t be coming.

       A. hear     B. hear of      C. hear from      D. hear about

    18. ---How much did this CD _______ you, Sally?

       ---I got it for 5 dollars.

       A. use      B. spend       C. take      D. cost

    19. Sue got up very late this morning and that was ______she was late for school.

       A. why       B. what        C. where       D. whether


    20. ---Would you mind _______me a sweater? I feel a little cold.

       ---Of course not. I’ll go and get it right now.

       A. to get     B. get       C. getting       D. will get

    21. I’ve had ______bad headache all day, so I think I’ll go to _______bed early.

       A. a; 不填    B. 不填; the      C. 不填 ; 不填   D. a; the

    22. ---Could you lend me your dictionary? I left _______ at home.


       A. it      B. yours       C. one      D. mine

    23. My aunt will arrive in Guangzhou _______the morning of July 15. 

       A. at       B. on        C. in       D. till

    24. As usual, Meihua _______at 6:30 this morning by her mother to get ready for school.

       A. has woken up      B. woke up      C. wakes up      D. was woken up

    25. The bus _______ suddenly when a group of students ran onto the road.

       A. stops      B. stopped       C. has stopped      D. is stopping

    26. My uncle used _______ a very good football player, but this was a long time ago.

       A. to being      B. being       C. be      D. to be

    27. ---My car has broken down. Could you please give me a ride tomorrow?

       ---I’m sorry I ________. I’m leaving for London tonight.

       A. can’t      B. mustn’t       C. couldn’t       D. shouldn’t

    28. ---Is _______true that Americans eat hamburgers and hot dogs every day?

       ---No, that’s not true, but they are both very popular foods in America.

       A. this       B. anything        C. it         D. something

    29. ---I _______to get to the South Mall. Could you tell me which bus I should take?

       ---Just catch the No. 10 bus from here. It’s the 4th stop.

       A. am trying      B. would try      C. tried       D. have tried

    30. ---How well did you do in the maths exam?

       ---Better than before. I think it was _______ difficult than the last one.

       A. more       B. less       C. much       D. very

    31. ______Mrs Wilson came into the classroom, all the children welcomed her.

       A. Whether       B. As well as       C. If       D. As soon as

    32. Liz is kind to others and she has always found it easy to _______ at school.

       A. make friend   B. make friend with   C. make friends   D. make friends with

    33. _______weather we had on our holiday!

       A. What a good    B. How a good     C. What good     D. How good

    34. We didn’t have enough chairs, _______some of the students had to sit on the floor.

       A. but      B. so       C. or      D. and 

    35. There was a fire in the street last night, but the firemen _______within twenty minutes.

       A. took it out     B. brought it out     C. worked it out     D. put it out



        I have always been interested in clowns (小丑). The earliest thing I can remember, as a child of three, is seeing a pair of clowns ---one very fat, and the other very  36_. A traveling circus (马戏团) came to our town and my parents took me to see it. When we arrived at the circus, everyone was laughing at the clowns. I didn’t understand why they were laughing, _37 I laughed too.

    While I was  38_, the fat clown came and sat down next to me. “Shall we dance?” he asked, then _39 me up and began dancing. I felt frightened and began to cry. _40 then I have been interested in clowns. They make me laugh a lot, although they still make me a bit  41 too.

    In life, we sometimes laugh at things that  42 us. We often laugh most at people who make us nervous. When we laugh, we relax and  43 ourselves. People who never laugh can become worried and ill. Laughter is like medicine and a clown is like a  44_.

    There have always been, and there will always be clowns, because people need to laugh. Laughter is the best kind of  45  in life.


    A. happy

    B. thin

    C. kind

    D. lucky


    A. and

    B. so

    C. or

    D. but


    A. dancing

    B. eating

    C. laughing

    D. crying


    A. picked

    B. threw

    C. hung

    D. pushed


    A. Before

    B. Since

    C. By

    D. From


    A. tired

    B. silly

    C. afraid

    D. sick


    A. trouble

    B. surprise

    C. interest

    D. frighten


    A. play

    B. love

    C. enjoy

    D. understand


    A. doctor

    B. nurse

    C. friend

    D. teacher


    A. dream

    B. medicine

    C. care

    D. color




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