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来源:网络    作者:匿名    2009-09-03 14:39:05


  • 59. What does the writer want to tell us in the passage?

       A. Why people are interested in the moon.

       B. How ideas about the moon have changed over time.

       C. Where the moon came from in the past.

       D. That people have finally learned the truth about the moon.

    60. Before 1969 most scientists thought the moon was ________.

       A. part of the earth billions of years earlier     B. older than the earth

       C. a planet caught by the earth’s gravity       D. made of the same things as the earth

    61. From this passage we can learn that ________.

       A. scientists in the past were not clever    B. the earth was once part of the moon

       C. new information brings new ideas      D. we now know everything about the moon


    It is said that as the population of a city grows, so do its problems. Pollution, too many cars, and crowded streets are just a few of these difficulties. One way to help with these problems is city trains. Trains traveling to different parts of a city mean fewer cars and buses on our roads, cleaner air, and more open streets. In recent years, cities such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Shanghai have all built city train lines.

    The first city train line in China was built in Beijing. The oldest part of the train line, from Beijing Zhan to Ping Guo Yuan was opened in 1969. Its length was 23.6 kilometres. As the city grew after 1980, so did the need for more trains. A newer train line was built to help move people around the city centre. The 16-kilometre-long “circle (环形) line” was finished in 1987. Since that time even more train stations have been built and today the train lines in the city are over 50 kilometres long.

    For the 2008 Olympic Games, the trains of Beijing will be very important. It is thought that most of the people who go to watch the different sports during the Games will travel using trains.

    62. The passage tells us about ________.

       A. the problems in big cities        B. city trains

       C. the history of Beijing           D. 2008 Olympic Games

    63. How long was the first train line in Beijing?

       A. About 16 kms.   B. About 23 kms.    C. About 33 kms.    D. About 50 kms.

    64. In 1977, which of the following places in Beijing could you go to by train?

       A. Chao Yang Men.   B. An Ding Men.   C. Che Gong Zhuang.   D. He Ping Men.

    65. Which of the following is true?

       A. In 2008, the Beijing train line will be nearly 40 years old.

       B. The larger population a city has, the fewer problems it faces.

       C. More and more cities are building undergrounds for the 2008 Olympic Games.

       D. There are 20 stations on the “circle line” in Beijing.




    1. She said to me, “Don’t write the letter with a pencil.” (改为间接引语)

      She told me __________with a pencil.

    2. We should water the young trees every two days. (改为被动语态)

      The young trees _____________ every two days.

    3. They haven’t decided where to build the new hospital. (改为同一意思的复合句)

      They haven’t decided _________________________the new hospital.

    4. Tom is very pleased with the painting. Kate is very pleased with the painting, too. (合并为同一意思的简单句)

      ______Tom _______ Kate are very pleased with the painting.

    5. The boy in white is Sue’s child. (就划线部分提问)

      ____________________in white?



    David goes to school in New Zealand. When he was at primary school, he didn’t have any 6 h     to do. He only had to read for 15 minutes very evening: that’s all! His school had a huge sports field that was 7 b     enough for four football fields. He loved to run around with his 8 f     . His teacher was nice, too. Sometimes she would say, “9 S     your maths work please, children. It’s a beautiful day outside. Let’s go out and play a 10 g     !”

    Things have changed since David started high school. He still 11 p     a lot of sports, but the work is a bit harder. He has to do some homework, but not too much, only one hour each night.

    But the 12 b    thing David loves about his high school is all the sports he can play. The sports ground has a running track, a 13 s     pool and four football fields. David plays sports every day after school.

    David is looking forward to 14 g     to university. After he has finished his studies, he wants to 15 t      around the world. He dreams and hopes that day he can.













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