中考广州站 > 中考英语 > 2010广州中考英语模拟试题一(附答案)


2009-09-03  作者:匿名  来源:网络  进入论坛

2010年中考英语模拟试题(一) 第一卷(选择题  共70分) 一.   听力(共20题,每小题1分,计20分) A..情景反应  下面你将听到5个句子,请根据听到的句子,选出最恰当的答语.每个句子读一遍. (&......


第一卷(选择题  70)

一.   听力(20,每小题1,20)

A..情景反应  下面你将听到5个句子,请根据听到的句子,选出最恰当的答语.每个句子读一遍.

    )1.A.Give my best wishes to him.                  B. Say goodbye to him.

          C. See you soon.

 (    ) 2. A.  I think I will.                  B. Thank you.                   C. I’m sorry.

 (    ) 3.A. Please don’t say so.                B. I’m glad you like it.        C. No, it is not so.

 (    ) 4. A. The radio says it’s windy.  B. It’s very hot in summer.          C. I’d like to swim today.

(    ) 5. A. Hello, I’m Jimmy.     B. Hello, It’s Jimmy speaking.  C. Hello .Are you Jane?

B.对话理解  下面你将听到7段对话,请根据听到的对话,选出正确的选项.每段对话读两遍.


.What’s the man going to do?

A. He’s going to Yancheng.  B. He’s going to Yancheng railway station.  C. He’s going to meet someone.


7. What are the two friends talking about?

A. Summer holidays.           B. Their hometown.       C. Their friends.


8. When does Jim go to school every day?

A. At six.                           B. At seven.                 C. At five.


9. Why did Mr. Smith go to Nanjing?

A. To visit a factory.             B. To give a talk.           C. To have a holiday.


10. Which book is the most interesting to the man?

A. The storybook.                B. The picture book.  C. The detective book.


11. Why was the woman late?

A. She got up late. B. She went to the wrong address.  C. There were too many cars on the street.

12. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The bus the woman took was very crowded. B. The woman started too late. C. It was in winter.


13. Why does the woman look worried?

A. Because her keys were missing .B. Because her handbag is gone. C. Because her ID is missing.

14. What kind of bag is it?

A. It is a black handbag made of leather.   B. It is a brown bag.    C. It is a black paper bag.

15. What isn’t in the bag?

A. A purse and keys.           B. A driving license.             C. A mobile phone.

C.短文理解 下面你将听到1篇短文,请根据听到的短文,选出正确的选项.短文读两遍.

16. What is the book about?

A. The ways of learning English.  B. How to travel in England.  C. English-speaking countries.

17. Where can the students get the book?

A. In the school.           B. At the headmaster’s office.                     C. In the shop.

18. How much does each book cost if we buy 200 books?

A. Less than 5yuan.       B. More than 5yuan.           C. About 6yuan.

19. When can the student get their new books?

A. Tomorrow morning.      B.Tomorrow afternoon.     C.Tonight.

20. What is not talked about in the notice?

A. Who wrote the book? B. How much the book costs? C.Whether the book is good for students?


    21.The director said “_________”, because we acted quite well.

A. Take actions            B. Good take         C. Action              D. Stand by

 (    ) 22.The train had already left __________ we got to the station.

A. after                        B. while                C. when                      D. until

(      ) 23.He practiced as often as he could________ his spoken English.

A. improve          B. improving        C. to improve       D. improved

 (    ) 24.Green represents_________ and nature .When you feel weak, you can wear green.

A. sadness           B. purity              C. joy                  D. energy

 (    ) 25. Most boys_________guns to dolls, while most girls_______have dolls than guns.

 A. would rather, prefer B. prefer, would rather C. would rather, would rather D. prefer, prefer

 (    ) 26.I won’t leave my office until my work________.

A. finish             B. is finished        C. will finish          D. are finished

 (    ) 27. It kept raining heavily ________the whole night for about six hours.

A. in                     B. at                     C. on                     D. throughout

(      ) 28. As we all know, the 29th Olympic Games________in Beijing in 2008.

A. will be held      B. will hold          C. is to hold         D. are hold

 (    ) 29. Tom hopes his brother________ to his party.

A. has come      B. to come       C. came         D. will come

 (    ) 30 Do you have any _________friends at school?

A. close               B. closed              C. closing             D. closes

(      ) 31 Time isn’t enough for me .Can you give me_______?

A. two another minutes  B. more two minutes C. another minutes two D. another two minutes

 (    ) 32.Millie is businesslike. She never forgets __________.

A. what to do               B. how to do         C. what is it          D. how will she do

 (    ) 33.Suzhou is______ beautiful place that_______ many people come to visit it every year.

A. such, so                        B. so, so                     C. such a, so        D. such a, such

 (    ) 34.They felt very tired but quite happy after ________ sports meeting.

A. one day                   B. the days                   C. the two days      D. a two-day 

 (    ) 35. Do you mind ________here? Oh, you’d better not.

A. I smoking                B. my smoking             C. my smoke                 D. me to smoke 


 (    ) 36.A. talk           B. tell             C. say           D. speak

(      ) 37.A. the large    B. a large       C. the small    D. a small

(      ) 38.A.Likes          B. And so on C. For example D. look

(      ) 39.A. hands               B. a hand       C. arms         D. an arm 

(      ) 40.A. on             B. for            C. with          D. of

(      ) 41.A. open          B. close         C. knock at    D. break

(      ) 42.A. running      B. standing in line C. leaving D. jumping a queue

(      ) 43.A.anywhere    B. somewhere C. everything        D. where else

(      ) 44.A. important   B. good         C. easy          D. politely

(      ) 45.A. or             B. if              C. for            D. having

(      ) 46.A. ask            B. arrive               C. telephone   D. eat

(      ) 47.A. ask            B. speak               C. talk           D. explain

(      ) 48.A.other          B. the other    C. these         D. another

(      ) 49.A. the same    B. different    C. nice          D. both

(      ) 50.A. if              B. because     C. while         D. before


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